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Themen-Optionen Ansicht

Alt 30.03.2024, 15:53
Benutzerbild von Ray
Ray Ray ist offline
Mephisto Lyon
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TheKing v Chessnut Evo Maia Level 9

As promised here is the start of my write up of the Active match between TheKing using it's Normal personality and Master book (HIARCS):

Game 1/10

[Event "TheKing Normal V Evo Maia L9 Master Book"]
[Round "1"]
[White "TheKing 30s/move"]
[Black "MaiaL9"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C25"]

1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.g3 $6 ( {Theory prefers} 3.Bc4 $1 ) 3...a6 $146 ( {Theoretical move is} 3...Bc5 $1 ) 4.Bg2 $1 Bc5 5.Nge2 d6 6.d3 Nge7 7.O-O O-O 8.Be3 Nd4 9.a3 f5 10.Qd2 $1 Ng6 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.23/24} ( 10...c6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.08/21} 11.Bxd4 exd4 12.Nd1 d5 13.exd5 Nxd5 14.c4 dxc3 15.Ndxc3 Be6 16.Rae1 Nxc3 17.bxc3 Bf7 18.a4 Qd7 19.d4 Bd6 20.Nc1 Rae8 21.Nd3 Bc4 22.a5 ) 11.Bg5 Qe8 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.45/23} ( 11...Qd7 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/22} 12.exf5 Nxf5 13.Be3 Nxe3 14.fxe3 Rxf1+ 15.Rxf1 c6 16.d4 exd4 17.exd4 Ba7 18.Re1 Qe7 19.Ne4 d5 20.Nf2 Bf5 21.Nc1 Qf7 22.c3 Bb6 23.Ncd3 Rf8 24.Bh3 Qd7 25.Bg2 Qf7 ) 12.exf5 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.02/23} ( 12.b4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.45/23} 12...fxe4 13.Nxe4 Bg4 14.Nxd4 Bxd4 15.c3 Ba7 16.Be3 h6 17.Rae1 Qf7 18.Bxa7 Rxa7 19.d4 Bf3 20.Bxf3 Qxf3 21.Qc2 a5 22.b5 Qf7 23.b6 Ra6 24.bxc7 Qxc7 25.Qd3 Qf7 26.f3 exd4 27.Qxd4 ) 12...Bxf5 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.33/24} ( 12...Nxf5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.02/23} 13.Be3 Nxe3 14.fxe3 Ba7 15.d4 Rxf1+ 16.Rxf1 exd4 17.exd4 c6 18.Ne4 Qe7 19.Nc1 d5 20.Nf2 Bf5 21.c3 Bb6 22.b4 Rf8 23.Re1 Qf7 24.Nfd3 a5 25.Nc5 axb4 ) 13.b4 Ba7 14.Bxb7 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.46/23} ( 14.Nxd4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.27/22} 14...exd4 15.Nd5 Qd7 16.h4 Bg4 17.Rae1 Rae8 18.Nf4 Rxe1 19.Qxe1 Nxf4 20.Bxf4 c6 21.Qb1 d5 22.Re1 Re8 23.f3 Bf5 24.g4 Be6 25.a4 Rf8 26.Bg3 c5 27.a5 ) 14...Rb8 15.Bg2 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.91/21} ( 15.Bd5+ {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.48/25} 15...Be6 16.Be4 Bh3 17.Nxd4 Bxd4 18.Rad1 Bxf1 19.Rxf1 c6 20.Ne2 h6 21.Be3 Bxe3 22.Qxe3 Ne7 23.Bg2 Nf5 24.Qd2 d5 25.Qc3 h5 26.h4 Nd6 27.Qc5 Nb5 28.c4 ) 15...Qd7 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.31/23} ( 15...Bh3 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.91/21} 16.Bd5+ Kh8 17.Nxd4 Bxd4 18.Rae1 Bxf1 19.Rxf1 h6 20.Be3 Ne7 21.Bg2 Bxe3 22.fxe3 Rxf1+ 23.Bxf1 Qc6 24.d4 exd4 25.Qxd4 Rf8 26.Bg2 Qd7 27.Qd3 Qf5 28.Qxf5 Rxf5 29.Be4 Rg5 30.Kf2 Re5 31.Bd3 a5 32.Kf3 axb4 33.axb4 Kg8 34.Ke2 g5 35.Kd2 Kg7 ) 16.Nxd4 Bxd4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.11/24} ( 16...exd4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.22/22} 17.Ne2 h6 18.Bf4 Bg4 19.Rfe1 Kh8 20.Kh1 Rbe8 21.f3 Bh3 22.Bxh3 Qxh3 23.Ng1 Rxe1 24.Qxe1 Qd7 25.Qe4 Nxf4 26.gxf4 c5 27.Re1 Qf7 28.Qe7 ) 17.Be3 Bh3 18.Bxh3 Qxh3 19.Bxd4 exd4 20.Ne4 Ne5 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.39/23} ( 20...Qg4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.99/22} 21.Qd1 Qf5 22.f4 Ne7 23.Qd2 Nd5 24.c3 a5 25.bxa5 dxc3 26.Nxc3 Nf6 27.Ne4 Nxe4 28.dxe4 Qxe4 29.Rfe1 Qa8 30.Rad1 Rb3 31.a4 Qa7+ 32.Qd4 Qxd4+ 33.Rxd4 Ra8 34.Re7 Rxa5 35.Rxc7 Rb1+ 36.Kf2 Rb2+ 37.Ke3 ) 21.f4 Ng4 22.Ng5 Qh5 23.Rfe1 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.63/21} ( 23.Ne6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.88/22} 23...Rfe8 24.Nxd4 c5 25.Nb3 cxb4 26.axb4 Rxb4 27.Rxa6 Rbb8 28.Nd4 Ne3 29.Re1 Nf5 30.Nxf5 Qxf5 31.Rxe8+ Rxe8 32.c4 Qh5 33.Qa5 Qd1+ 34.Kg2 Qe2+ 35.Kh3 Qe6+ 36.Kh4 Kh8 37.Qg5 Qe2 38.Rxd6 Qxh2+ 39.Kg4 Qe2+ 40.Kh3 Qf1+ 41.Kh4 ) 23...h6 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.60/24} ( 23...c5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.63/21} 24.Rab1 h6 25.Ne4 cxb4 26.Rxb4 Rbe8 27.Rbb1 d5 28.Nc5 Ne3 29.Nb3 Rxf4 30.Nxd4 Rxd4 31.Rxe3 Ra4 32.Rxe8+ Qxe8 33.Rf1 d4 34.Qf4 Qe3+ 35.Qxe3 dxe3 36.Ra1 Rg4 37.c4 e2 ) 24.Ne6 Rfe8 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.93/24} ( 24...Rf6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.47/24} 25.Nxd4 g5 26.Re6 Rbf8 27.Rxf6 Rxf6 28.Rf1 c5 29.bxc5 dxc5 30.Nb3 gxf4 31.Rxf4 Rxf4 32.gxf4 Nxh2 33.Qg2+ Ng4 34.Nd2 Qf5 35.Qe4 Qf7 36.Nc4 Qh5 37.Qg2 Kf8 38.c3 Nf6 39.Ne5 Qd1+ 40.Kf2 Qd2+ 41.Kf3 Qxc3 ) 25.Nxd4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.65/24} ( 25.Nxc7 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.93/24} 25...Rec8 26.Ne6 Qd5 27.Rac1 Rc3 28.Qg2 Qxg2+ 29.Kxg2 Ne3+ 30.Kg1 Rxa3 31.Nxd4 Nd5 32.Nf5 Rc3 33.Re4 Kh7 34.Nxd6 Rxb4 35.Re5 Rd4 36.Ne4 Rc6 37.Kf2 a5 38.Ke2 a4 39.Kd2 a3 40.Ra1 Nb4 41.Rxa3 Nxc2 ) 25...Qd5 26.Nb3 Qh5 27.Rab1 c5 28.bxc5 dxc5 29.a4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.57/23} ( 29.Rbc1 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +2.26/21} 29...Qd5 30.h3 Nf6 31.Qg2 Qd6 32.Nd2 Rxe1+ 33.Rxe1 Qd4+ 34.Qf2 Rb2 35.Qxd4 cxd4 36.Rc1 Ra2 37.Nf3 Rxa3 38.Nxd4 a5 39.Kf2 a4 40.Ke3 Ra2 41.c4 Kf7 42.c5 ) 29...Rbd8 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.83/25} ( 29...Kh7 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.57/23} 30.h4 Qd5 31.Qg2 Qd7 32.Qf3 h5 33.Rbd1 Qxa4 34.Re4 Qc6 35.Kg2 c4 36.Nd4 Qd5 37.Rde1 Rec8 38.Ne6 Nf6 39.Ng5+ Kh6 40.Re6 Qxf3+ 41.Kxf3 cxd3 42.cxd3 a5 43.Ra1 Ra8 44.Ra4 Rc1 45.Ne4 Kh7 46.Nxf6+ gxf6 47.Rxf6 Kg7 ) 30.Na5 $1 Qd5 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +2.39/23} ( 30...Rd6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.87/22} 31.Rxe8+ Qxe8 32.Nc4 Re6 33.h3 Nf6 34.Ne5 Qxa4 35.Rb7 Qd4+ 36.Kh2 Qd5 37.Rc7 Rb6 38.Qg2 Rb2 39.Qf2 Rb1 40.Nf3 Qa8 41.Rxc5 Kh7 42.Kg2 Nd7 43.Ra5 Qc6 44.c4 Rd1 ) 31.Nc4 Qd4+ 32.Kh1 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.57/20} ( 32.Kf1 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +2.38/21} 32...Nf6 33.Qf2 Qc3 34.h3 Ne4 35.Qg2 Nf6 36.a5 h5 37.Rxe8+ Rxe8 38.Qd2 Qd4 39.Qf2 Qd7 40.f5 Qc6 41.Kg1 Re7 42.Re1 Rxe1+ 43.Qxe1 Kh7 44.Qf2 Qd5 45.Nb6 Qa2 46.Nc4 Qb1+ 47.Kh2 Qb4 48.Qe2 ) 32...Rxe1+ $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +2.46/24} ( 32...Kh7 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.57/20} 33.a5 Rxe1+ 34.Qxe1 Qd5+ 35.Kg1 Qd4+ 36.Kf1 Re8 37.Qd2 Qd5 38.Kg1 Qd4+ 39.Kh1 Re7 40.Rf1 Qd5+ 41.Qg2 Qh5 42.h4 Ne3 43.Nxe3 Rxe3 44.Rf2 Qd1+ 45.Kh2 Qe1 46.Rf1 Qc3 47.Rb1 Re8 48.Rb6 Qxa5 ) 33.Rxe1 Qxc4 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +4.92/24} ( 33...Kh7 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +2.19/23} 34.Qe2 Nf6 35.Qg2 a5 36.h3 Qc3 37.Re5 Rb8 38.Kh2 Rb4 39.Rxc5 Rxa4 40.Rc6 Qb4 41.Ne3 Qd4 42.Ng4 Nxg4+ 43.hxg4 Qd7 44.g5 hxg5 45.fxg5 Qg4 46.Qh3+ Kg8 47.Qxg4 Rxg4 48.g6 Kf8 49.c4 Ke7 50.Rc7+ Kf8 ) 34.Re8+ Kh7 35.Rxd8 Qe6 36.a5 $1 Qe7 37.Rb8 h5 38.Rb6 h4 39.gxh4 $1 Qxh4 40.Rxa6 Nf2+ 41.Kg2 Nh3 42.Kf3 Ng1+ 43.Ke4 Qe7+ 44.Kd5 Nf3 45.Qg2 Qb7+ 46.Rc6 Qd7+ 47.Rd6 Qb7+ 48.Kxc5 Qc7+ 49.Kb5 Qxd6 50.Qxf3 Qb8+ 51.Ka4 Qe8+ 52.Ka3 Qb5 53.Qh3+ Kg8 54.Qc8+ Kh7 55.a6 Qa5+ 56.Kb3 Qb5+ 57.Kc3 Qa5+ 58.Kd4 Qb6+ 59.Kc4 Qa5 60.d4 Qa4+ 61.Kd3 Qb5+ 62.Ke3 Qf1 63.Qf5+ g6 64.Qf7+ Kh6 65.a7 Qe1+ 66.Kd3 Qd1+ 67.Ke4 Qxc2+ 68.Ke5 Qe2+ 69.Kf6 Qe4 70.Qg7+ Kh5 71.Qh7+ Kg4 72.Qxg6+ Qxg6+ 73.Kxg6 Kxf4 74.d5 Ke5 75.a8=Q {M8 announced White loses 0.08 pawn per move (1 mistake, 6 inaccuracies), Black loses 0.18 pawn per move (2 mistakes, 10 inaccuracies).} 1-0

In this game the Vienna, Paulsen variation was played but despite TheKing using the Master (HIARCS book) it’s move 3.g3 is considered dubious by HIARCS and as the comment states, theory prefers 3.Bc4. But Maia throws in a novelty so all even on this score.

The turning point in this game is from this position:

White’s Bishop on b7 is under attack from Black’s Rook. Here, TheKing retreated with 15.g2 which seems strange when the suggested attacking move of 15.d5+ would seem more natural. Maybe it didn’t like the idea of Black moving Bh3 attacking the Rook? However, Black is in quite a good position with more active pieces and good King-side attacking potential.

Despite having the superior position Maia then made the poor move 15…Qd7?

Had it played 15…Bh3 white must not capture the Bishop as Nf3+ loses the queen! Play might have continued with 16.Bd5+ Needed to fight back! 16…Kh8 17.Nxd4 Remove the troublesome knight! 17…Bxd4 and it’s looking very good for Black. This is only 5 ply so definitely within Maia’s sight. From here TheKing took advantage of Maia’s poor moves and announced mate in 8 at move 75.

TheKing did not have a good start in this game but won because Maia made 1 extra mistake and 4 extra inaccuracies. But I think Maia's positional play was better but lacked that little extra to take advantage.

Current score 1 – 0 to TheKing
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Folgende 4 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Ray für den nützlichen Beitrag:
applechess (30.03.2024), Egbert (30.03.2024), Mephisto_Risc (01.04.2024), Tibono (30.03.2024)
Alt 31.03.2024, 18:29
Benutzerbild von Ray
Ray Ray ist offline
Mephisto Lyon
Registriert seit: 07.12.2019
Ort: United Kingdom
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Re: TheKing v Chessnut Evo Maia Level 9

Game 2/10

[Event "TheKing V Evo Maia L9 Master Book"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2024.03.25"]
[Round "2"]
[White "MaiaL9"]
[Black "TheKing 30s/move"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A23"]
[PlyCount "80"]

1.c4 c6 2.Nc3 Nf6 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.37/22} ( {Theory prefers} 2...d5 $1 ) ( 2...d5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.03/23} 3.cxd5 cxd5 4.d4 Nf6 5.Nf3 Nc6 6.Bf4 Bf5 7.e3 Qb6 8.Qc1 Rc8 9.Be2 h6 10.O-O e6 11.Na4 Qb4 12.b3 g5 13.Be5 Be7 14.a3 Qxb3 15.Nc5 ) 3.g3 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.07/22} ( {Theoretical move is} 3.e4 $1 ) ( {Or} 3.d4 $1 ) ( 3.e4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.37/22} 3...d5 4.e5 d4 5.exf6 dxc3 6.bxc3 exf6 7.d4 Bd6 8.Bd3 O-O 9.Ne2 g6 10.Rb1 b6 11.O-O f5 12.Ng3 Re8 13.Qf3 Qh4 14.Rd1 Bc7 15.h3 Be6 16.d5 cxd5 17.cxd5 ) 3...e5 4.Bg2 $6 ( {Theory prefers} 4.Nf3 $1 ) 4...Bb4 $6 ( {Theory prefers} 4...d5 ) 5.Nf3 d6 6.O-O O-O 7.d4 e4 8.Ng5 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.17/22} ( 8.Nd2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.16/21} 8...d5 9.Qb3 Qa5 10.a3 Bxc3 11.bxc3 Qa6 12.a4 Re8 13.Re1 Be6 14.Bb2 Nbd7 15.a5 dxc4 16.Qc2 Bd5 17.Nf1 c5 18.Ne3 Bc6 ) 8...d5 9.cxd5 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.50/22} ( 9.f3 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.17/21} 9...exf3 10.Nxf3 dxc4 11.a3 Ba5 12.Ne5 Bb6 13.e3 Be6 14.Qe2 Nbd7 15.Nxc4 Bc7 16.b3 Ng4 17.d5 cxd5 18.Bxd5 Nde5 19.Bxe6 fxe6 20.Bb2 Nxc4 21.Rxf8+ Qxf8 22.bxc4 Qf5 23.Nb5 Bb6 24.Bd4 Rd8 25.c5 Bxc5 26.Bxc5 Qxc5 27.Qxg4 Qxb5 28.Qxe6+ Kh8 ) 9...cxd5 10.f3 h6 11.fxe4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.58/23} ( 11.Nh3 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.17/20} 11...exf3 12.exf3 Re8 13.a3 Bxc3 14.bxc3 Nc6 15.Bf4 Bd7 16.Nf2 Na5 17.Nd3 Rc8 18.Ne5 Nc4 19.Re1 g5 20.Bd2 Qc7 21.Nxc4 Qxc4 22.Bf1 Rxe1 23.Qxe1 ) 11...Bxc3 12.bxc3 hxg5 13.Bxg5 dxe4 14.Bxf6 gxf6 15.Bxe4 Re8 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.39/23} ( 15...Nc6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.53/23} 16.Rf2 Kg7 17.Qd2 Rh8 18.Qf4 Qe7 19.Rb1 Rh6 20.h4 Bh3 21.Kh2 Nd8 22.c4 Bd7 23.c5 Ne6 24.Qg4+ Ng5 25.Rxb7 Bxg4 26.Rxe7 Nxe4 27.Rxe4 f5 28.Ref4 Rd8 29.e3 Rg6 30.e4 fxe4 31.Rxe4 ) 16.Qd3 Nc6 17.Rf4 Ne7 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.82/23} ( 17...Rxe4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.01/21} 18.Qxe4 f5 19.Qd3 Ne7 20.Rf2 Be6 21.c4 b5 22.cxb5 Rc8 23.a4 Nd5 24.Rf3 Qg5 25.Raf1 Rc3 26.Qd1 Ne3 27.Qd2 Ra3 28.b6 axb6 29.Rc1 ) 18.Rxf6 Nd5 19.Rh6 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.82/27} ( 19.Rf2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.80/20} 19...Nxc3 20.Bh7+ Kh8 21.Qxc3 Kxh7 22.Rxf7+ Kg8 23.Raf1 Qd5 24.Qd3 Qxf7 25.Rxf7 Kxf7 26.Qh7+ Kf8 27.d5 Rxe2 28.d6 Re1+ 29.Kg2 Re8 30.d7 Bxd7 31.Qxd7 Rad8 32.Qxb7 Rd2+ 33.Kf3 Rxh2 34.Qxa7 Rd8 35.g4 Rh3+ 36.Kf4 Rdd3 37.Qc5+ Kg7 ) 19...Qg5 20.Rh4 Nf6 21.Rf1 Nxe4 22.Rxe4 Bh3 23.Rff4 Qa5 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/23} ( 23...Rac8 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.59/21} 24.c4 Qg6 25.Rxe8+ Rxe8 26.Qxg6+ fxg6 27.Kf2 g5 28.Rf3 Re4 29.Rb3 b6 30.c5 Rxd4 31.cxb6 axb6 32.Rxb6 Kf7 33.Ra6 Rd5 34.a4 Re5 35.Rh6 Bg4 36.h4 Rxe2+ 37.Kf1 Ra2 38.hxg5 Be2+ 39.Kg1 ) 24.Kf2 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.30/21} ( 24.g4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/23} 24...Rxe4 25.Qxe4 Qg5 26.Qf5 Qh4 27.Qxf7+ Kh8 28.Qh5+ Qxh5 29.gxh5 Be6 30.a3 Kg7 31.e4 Ba2 32.Kf2 Rc8 33.Rf3 Rh8 34.Rh3 Kh6 35.Rf3 Kg7 ) 24...Bd7 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/26} ( 24...Qh5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.30/21} 25.c4 Bd7 26.h4 Rac8 27.Rxe8+ Rxe8 28.Qf3 Qxf3+ 29.Kxf3 Rc8 30.d5 Rc5 31.g4 Ra5 32.Re4 Kf8 33.Kf4 Rxa2 34.g5 Ra1 35.Ke5 Ke7 36.h5 Rg1 37.d6+ Kd8 38.h6 ) 25.Qf3 b6 26.Rh4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.57/21} ( 26.Rg4+ {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/26} 26...Bxg4 27.Rxg4+ Kf8 28.Qf6 Qh5 29.Rh4 Qxe2+ 30.Kg1 Qe1+ 31.Kg2 Qe2+ 32.Kg1 ) 26...Rac8 $4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +6.34/20} ( 26...Rxe4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.57/21} 27.Rxe4 Re8 28.Rxe8+ Bxe8 29.Qe3 Qf5+ 30.Qf4 Qh3 31.Qh4 Qe6 32.Qg5+ Kf8 33.h4 Qxa2 34.h5 f6 35.Qxf6+ Qf7 36.Qxf7+ Kxf7 37.Ke3 a5 38.Kd3 a4 39.Kc2 Kf6 40.h6 Kg6 41.e4 Kxh6 ) 27.Ref4 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +2.99/23} ( 27.Rh5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +6.34/20} 27...f5 28.Rxe8+ Rxe8 29.Qf4 Qa4 30.Qg5+ Kf7 31.Rh6 Rxe2+ 32.Kxe2 Qc2+ 33.Qd2 Bb5+ 34.Ke1 Qb1+ 35.Qd1 Qe4+ 36.Kf2 Kf8 37.Qe1 Qxe1+ 38.Kxe1 Kg8 39.Rd6 Bc4 40.Rd7 a5 41.Rb7 b5 42.Kd2 Kf8 43.Ke3 Ke8 44.Kf4 a4 45.Kxf5 ) 27...Be6 28.Re4 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/29} ( 28.c4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +3.16/24} 28...Rxc4 29.Rfg4+ Kf8 30.Rh8+ Ke7 31.Qb7+ Bd7 32.Re4+ Kd6 33.Rhxe8 Rc7 34.Qb8 Bxe8 35.Rxe8 Qf5+ 36.Kg2 Qc2 37.h4 Qxa2 38.Rd8+ Ke6 39.Kf2 Qc2 40.g4 Qc1 41.Re8+ Kd7 42.Re3 Qc6 43.Qe8+ Kd6 44.Qe5+ Kd7 45.h5 Kc8 46.g5 Rd7 ) 28...Qf5 29.Ref4 Qd5 30.Rfg4+ Kf8 31.Qf6 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.35/24} ( 31.Re4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/24} 31...f5 32.c4 Rxc4 33.Qa3+ Kg7 34.Re5 Qd8 35.Qxa7+ Qc7 36.Qa3 Rc3 37.Qb2 Rc2 38.Qa3 Rc3 ) 31...Qf5+ 32.Qxf5 Bxf5 33.Rf4 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -2.32/23} ( 33.Rg5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.07/21} 33...Bd7 34.d5 Ke7 35.Re5+ Kd6 36.Rxe8 Bxe8 37.c4 b5 38.cxb5 Bxb5 39.Rb4 Rc5 40.a4 Bd7 41.e4 f5 42.exf5 Bxf5 43.g4 a5 44.Rf4 Bc2 45.g5 Rxd5 46.h4 Ke5 47.Rf7 Rd2+ 48.Ke3 ) 33...Bb1 34.Rh7 $4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -11.32/22} ( 34.a4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -2.04/24} 34...Rxc3 35.a5 bxa5 36.Rh8+ Ke7 37.Rh6 Bg6 38.h4 Rc2 39.Kf3 a4 40.h5 Rc3+ 41.Kf2 Bc2 42.Rhf6 Bb3 43.Ra6 Rc7 44.h6 Rh8 45.Rh4 f6 46.e4 Kf7 47.e5 fxe5 48.dxe5 Bc2 49.Ke3 Rc3+ 50.Kd2 Rc7 51.Rf4+ Ke7 ) 34...Bxh7 35.Rh4 Kg7 36.Rg4+ Bg6 $1 37.h4 Kh6 $1 38.Rf4 Rxc3 39.g4 Rc2 40.h5 Rexe2+ {White loses 0.49 pawn per move (1 blunder, 5 mistakes, 6 inaccuracies), Black loses 0.2 pawn per move (1 blunder, 5 inaccuracies).} 0-1

The English, Bremen System, Keres variation was played with both sides playing some questionable opening moves. Despite that, with the advantage swinging slightly from side to side all was roughly level in the following position where TheKing had just played 18…Nd5:

Here Black has a knight to White’s 3 pawns but material-wise it’s balanced. Maia’s Rook on f6 is under attack from Black’s Knight and Queen so must be moved. Here, Maia played 19.Rh6? which on the face if it looks good considering White’s Bishop and Queen lined up on the a1 to h7 diagonal. However, after 19…Qg5 attacking the Rook again 20.Rh4 Nf6 21.Rf1 Nxe4 and White’s attack is squashed.

Later on in the following position where Maia had just moved 26.Rh4

Here TheKing blunders with 26…Rac8?? Had Maia seen the correct moves TheKing would have been in trouble. Play could have continued 27.Rh5 f5 28.Rxe8+ Rxe8 29.Qf4 Qa4 30.Qg5+ and white has a nice attack on the King:

Alas, this was beyond Maia and also TheKing of course.

In the following position Black has the stronger position with the active Bishop threatening White’s a pawn with white to move:

Here Maia played 34.Rh7?? Why sacrifice the Rook? I thought this kind of blunder had been removed with the addition of the lookahead feature added to the Maia bots. Maybe this is a bug?

Well, the result was inevitable!
In that game Maia made 1 blunder, 5 mistakes and 6 inaccuracies while TheKing managed 1 blunder and 5 inaccuracies. Much better of course but despite Maia’s strange Rook sacrifice it does play positionally well but is unable to make the best of it. TheKing so far is then able to benefit from Maia’s weaker moves.

Current score 2 – 0 to TheKing.
Mit Zitat antworten
Folgende 3 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Ray für den nützlichen Beitrag:
applechess (31.03.2024), Mapi (31.03.2024), Mephisto_Risc (01.04.2024)
Alt 01.04.2024, 13:44
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Ray Ray ist offline
Mephisto Lyon
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Re: TheKing v Chessnut Evo Maia Level 9

Game 3/10
[Event "TheKing V Evo Maia L9 Master Book"]
[Round "3"]
[White "TheKing 30s/move"]
[Black "MaiaL9"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B03"]

1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 d6 4.c4 Nb6 5.exd6 cxd6 $6 ( {Theory prefers} 5...exd6 $1 ) 6.Nc3 g6 7.Bg5 Bg7 8.Nf3 O-O $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.15/23} ( 8...Bg4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.11/21} 9.Be2 Nc6 10.Rc1 Qd7 11.d5 Bxf3 12.Bxf3 Ne5 13.b3 Qf5 14.Ne4 Nbd7 15.O-O Nxf3+ 16.Qxf3 Qxf3 17.gxf3 h6 18.Be3 f5 19.Nc3 a6 20.Kg2 Kf7 21.Ne2 g5 22.Bd4 Ne5 23.Rfd1 Rac8 24.Bc3 Kg6 25.Rc2 ) 9.Be2 Nc6 10.d5 Na5 11.Nd2 Bf5 12.g4 Bd7 13.Qc1 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.55/24} ( 13.Rc1 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.17/22} 13...Rc8 14.b3 Bxc3 15.Rxc3 Nxd5 16.Rg3 Nc7 17.O-O f6 18.Bh6 Rf7 19.Be3 b6 20.f4 d5 21.f5 g5 22.Nf3 Bc6 23.Nd4 Bb7 24.Bd2 Qd6 25.Bxa5 bxa5 26.Qd2 Qc5 27.Qe3 dxc4 28.bxc4 Qe5 29.Qxe5 ) 13...Rc8 14.b3 h6 15.Bh4 g5 16.Bg3 e6 $1 17.Bxd6 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -3.51/22} ( 17.dxe6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.56/19} 17...Bxe6 18.Nb5 d5 19.c5 Re8 20.Kf1 Nd7 21.Rb1 f5 22.b4 Nc6 23.h3 a5 24.gxf5 Bxf5 25.Nd6 Bxb1 26.Qxb1 Nxb4 27.Nxc8 Qxc8 28.Bh5 Nxc5 29.Kg2 Ne4 30.Nxe4 Rxe4 ) 17...Re8 $1 18.Bb4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -4.82/23} ( 18.O-O {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -3.24/22} 18...exd5 19.c5 Qf6 20.Bf3 Qxc3 21.Qxc3 Bxc3 22.cxb6 Bxd2 23.bxa7 Bc3 24.Rab1 Nc6 25.h3 Nxa7 26.Bxd5 Bc6 27.Bxc6 Nxc6 28.Kg2 Nb4 29.Rfd1 Nxa2 30.f4 Red8 31.fxg5 hxg5 32.Be7 Rxd1 33.Rxd1 f6 ) 18...Nxd5 $1 19.cxd5 exd5 20.Kf1 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -6.10/23} ( 20.O-O {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -4.52/22} 20...Rxe2 21.Qd1 Re8 22.Rc1 Nc6 23.Nxd5 Nxb4 24.Nxb4 Rxc1 25.Qxc1 Bxg4 26.Nc2 Be2 27.Ne3 Bd4 28.Nf5 Qd7 29.Ng3 Bxf1 30.Ndxf1 Qg4 31.Qd2 Qf4 32.Qc2 Qf3 33.Qd2 Qc3 34.Qxc3 Bxc3 35.Ne3 Kh7 36.Kg2 Bd2 37.Ngf5 Bxe3 38.fxe3 ) 20...d4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -3.57/19} ( 20...Qb6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -6.10/23} 21.Qd1 Qxb4 22.Nxd5 Qd4 23.Ne4 Qxe4 24.Bf3 Bxg4 25.Bxe4 Bxd1 26.Rxd1 Rxe4 27.Ne3 Nc6 28.Rg1 Rf4 29.Rd2 Rd8 30.Rxd8+ Nxd8 31.Ke2 Ne6 32.Rc1 Rh4 33.Rc8+ Bf8 34.Nf5 Rxh2 35.Ra8 a6 36.Rb8 Nf4+ 37.Kf3 Nd3 38.Ke2 Nxf2 39.Rxb7 ) 21.Nde4 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -7.42/20} ( 21.Bxa5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -3.57/19} 21...Qxa5 22.Nc4 Qc5 23.Qc2 dxc3 24.a4 Re6 25.Bd3 Qd5 26.Rg1 Rce8 27.Bf5 Re2 28.Qxe2 Rxe2 29.Kxe2 Bxf5 30.gxf5 Qxf5 31.Rac1 Qe6+ 32.Kf1 Qh3+ 33.Ke2 Kh7 34.Rg3 Qxh2 35.Ne3 Qh5+ 36.Kf1 Qh1+ 37.Rg1 ) 21...Bc6 22.Qe1 dxc3 23.Rd1 Qb6 24.Bc5 Qc7 25.Bd6 Qd8 26.Bb4 Qc7 27.Bd6 Qd8 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/26} ( 27...Qd7 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -7.68/21} 28.Ba3 Qe6 29.Bf3 Bxe4 30.Qxe4 Qxe4 31.Bxe4 Rxe4 32.Bc1 Rxg4 33.Rd7 c2 34.h3 Rb4 35.Rd2 b6 36.Kg2 Re4 37.Kf3 Rf4+ 38.Kg2 Rh4 39.Rd7 Nc6 40.Be3 Ne5 41.Rxa7 Nd3 42.Rd7 ) 28.Bb4 {White loses 0.41 pawn per move (3 mistakes, 2 inaccuracies), Black loses 0.24 pawn per move (1 mistake, 2 inaccuracies).} 1/2-1/2

The Alekhine Defence, Exchange variation was played and all was level up to move 12.Bd7:

Here is an example where TheKing makes a poor move – but as often the case in such situations these moves are only be seen by an engine running on much faster hardware. TheKing played 13.Qc1? Better would have been 13.Rc1 considering that White’s c4 pawn is currently attacked by two Knights with the possibility of Black moving Rc8 adding to the threat. Then, at some point Black can advance the King’s Pawn prompting a pawn exchange and then allowing the advance of the Queen’s Pawn adding to the attack on White’s c5 Pawn. White will need to move the Knight on c3 to allow the Queen to defend the Pawn along with the Bishop on e2. Therefore, protecting the Pawn would be best done with the Rook.

A few moves later with Maia playing well we have this position:

Maia had just played 19…exd5. White is up two pawns but is in a very bad position with the Bishop on e2 and the Knight on c3 both pinned, and the Pawn on g4 is threatened by Maia’s Bishop. Here, “TheKing” needs to get “the King” to safety and makes the move 20.Kf1?! Why not castle?

At move 25…Bd6 we have this position:

Maia is in a winning position but is unable to find the winning sequence. The idea briefly is to maneuver the Queen to e6 and eventually force a Queen exchange. This exposes White’s King to attack by Black’s Rooks. However, this line of thought was beyond Maia’s neural knowledge and it could only manage a draw.

This was an interesting game as it shows weaknesses in TheKing’s play at this time control at least, but also shows how dangerous Maia can be!

Current score 2 ½ - ½ to TheKing.
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Folgende 3 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Ray für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Mephisto_Risc (01.04.2024), mickihamster (01.04.2024), Tibono (01.04.2024)
Alt 01.04.2024, 14:35
Benutzerbild von Ray
Ray Ray ist offline
Mephisto Lyon
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0/3 ssssss162
Re: TheKing v Chessnut Evo Maia Level 9

Game 4/10
[Event "TheKing V Evo Maia L9 Master Book"]
[Round "4"]
[White "MaiaL9"]
[Black "TheKing 30s/move"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D11"]

1.d4 c6 2.c4 d5 3.Nf3 dxc4 $6 ( {Theory prefers} 3...Nf6 $1 ) 4.e3 Be6 5.a4 $6 ( {Theory prefers} 5.Nbd2 ) ( {Or} 5.Be2 ) 5...Nf6 6.Na3 Bd5 7.Nxc4 e6 8.Bd3 c5 9.O-O Be7 10.dxc5 Bxf3 11.Qxf3 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.13/26} ( 11.gxf3 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.23/24} 11...Bxc5 12.b3 Nc6 13.Bb2 O-O 14.f4 Be7 15.Be2 Nd5 16.Kh1 f5 17.Rg1 Bf6 18.Qd2 Qc7 19.Bxf6 Rxf6 20.Rad1 Rd8 21.Qb2 Rh6 22.Rg2 Qe7 23.Rdg1 g6 24.Rd1 Ncb4 ) 11...Qxd3 12.Qxb7 O-O 13.Qxa8 Qxc4 14.Qxa7 Bxc5 15.Qb7 $1 Nbd7 16.Bd2 Rb8 17.Qc7 Qa6 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.86/22} ( 17...Rxb2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/26} 18.Qc8+ Nf8 19.Rac1 Qd3 20.Bc3 Rxf2 21.Qxc5 Rxg2+ 22.Kxg2 Qg6+ 23.Kh1 Qe4+ 24.Kg1 Qg6+ 25.Kh1 ) 18.b4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.21/28} ( 18.Rfc1 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.86/22} 18...Rc8 19.Qf4 Qd3 20.Bc3 Nd5 21.Qg4 Bf8 22.Rd1 f5 23.Rxd3 fxg4 24.Rd4 Nxc3 25.bxc3 Nc5 26.Rxg4 Ra8 27.a5 Bd6 28.f3 Kf7 29.Ra2 Ra7 30.a6 Rxa6 31.Rxa6 Nxa6 32.Ra4 ) 18...Rc8 19.Qa5 Qxa5 20.bxa5 Ne4 21.Rfd1 Ne5 22.Be1 f5 23.Rab1 Kf7 24.Kf1 Be7 25.Rb5 Ng4 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +2.85/20} ( 25...Nc5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.39/24} 26.Ke2 Ned7 27.Bb4 Ke8 28.Rc1 Rc6 29.h3 Rc7 30.g4 g6 31.Rc4 h6 32.f3 Kf7 33.Ba3 Ke8 34.e4 fxe4 35.fxe4 Kd8 36.Bxc5 ) 26.h3 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.28/26} ( 26.a6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +2.85/20} 26...Nc5 27.a7 Ra8 28.Bb4 Rxa7 29.Bxc5 Bxc5 30.Rxc5 Rxa4 31.h3 Nf6 32.Rc7+ Kg6 33.Rd6 e5 34.Kg1 Ra1+ 35.Kh2 Rf1 36.Kg3 Kh5 37.Rdc6 Ne4+ 38.Kh2 Nxf2 39.Rxg7 Rh1+ 40.Kg3 Ne4+ 41.Kf3 Ng5+ 42.Kf2 Rb1 43.Re7 Ne4+ 44.Kf3 Rf1+ 45.Ke2 Rf2+ 46.Ke1 Kh4 47.Rh6+ Kg5 48.Rhxh7 Rxg2 49.Rxe5 ) 26...Ngf6 27.Rdb1 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.25/21} ( 27.Rbb1 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.39/23} 27...Nd5 28.Rdc1 Ra8 29.Rc6 Ra7 30.f3 Nc5 31.Rb5 Nd3 32.Bd2 Bb4 33.Ke2 Ne5 34.Rc2 Bxd2 35.Kxd2 Kf6 36.e4 fxe4 37.fxe4 Ne7 38.Rcc5 Rd7+ 39.Ke3 N7c6 40.Rb6 Rd3+ 41.Ke2 Nd4+ 42.Kf2 ) 27...Nd7 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.43/23} ( 27...Nd5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.25/21} 28.g4 g6 29.Rd1 Nd6 30.Rbb1 Ra8 31.Rdc1 Ke8 32.Rb3 Bd8 33.Rc5 Ra7 34.gxf5 gxf5 35.Ke2 Ke7 36.f3 Nb7 37.Rcb5 Nxa5 38.Bxa5 Bxa5 39.Rb7+ Rxb7 40.Rxb7+ Kf6 41.Rxh7 Nc3+ 42.Kf2 Nxa4 ) 28.a6 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.01/26} ( 28.Rb7 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.43/23} 28...Nec5 29.Ra7 h5 30.Rc1 Ke8 31.a6 Rc6 32.a5 Rxa6 33.Rxa6 Nxa6 34.Rc8+ Kf7 35.Bc3 Bf6 36.Bxf6 Kxf6 37.Ke2 Ndc5 38.f4 Nb3 39.Rg8 Nbc5 40.Ra8 g6 41.g3 Ke7 42.Kf3 Kf6 43.Rc8 ) 28...Ra8 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.86/24} ( 28...Nd6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.01/26} 29.Rb7 Nxb7 30.axb7 Rc4 31.b8=Q Nxb8 32.Rxb8 Rxa4 33.Rb7 Ke8 34.Bc3 g5 35.g3 h5 36.Kg2 h4 37.gxh4 Rxh4 38.Ra7 Rc4 39.Bd4 Rc8 40.f4 gxf4 41.exf4 Bd6 42.Be3 Rb8 43.Rg7 e5 44.fxe5 Bxe5 45.Rg8+ Ke7 46.Rxb8 Bxb8 47.Bc5+ Ke6 ) 29.Rb7 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.22/24} ( 29.a7 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.86/24} 29...h5 30.f3 Nec5 31.Ra5 Bd8 32.Rb8 Nxb8 33.axb8=Q Rxb8 34.Rxc5 Rb1 35.Ke2 Rb2+ 36.Bd2 Ra2 37.a5 Ke7 38.Kd3 Kd6 39.Bb4 Kd7 40.Kc4 Rxg2 41.Bc3 Ra2 42.Kb5 Be7 43.Rc4 g6 44.a6 Ra3 45.Bd4 Rb3+ 46.Ka5 Ra3+ 47.Ra4 ) 29...Nec5 30.a7 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.42/26} ( 30.Rc7 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.07/23} 30...Rxa6 31.Rd1 Rxa4 32.Rcxd7 Nxd7 33.Rxd7 e5 34.Bc3 Ke6 35.Rb7 Bf8 36.f4 exf4 37.exf4 Rxf4+ 38.Ke2 g6 39.Rxh7 Ra4 40.Rb7 Bc5 41.Rb5 Kd5 42.Bd2 Ra2 43.Kd3 Ra3+ 44.Ke2 Kd4 45.Bf4 Ke4 46.Rxc5 ) 30...Nxb7 31.Rxb7 Ke8 $1 32.Bc3 Bc5 33.Bd4 Bxd4 34.exd4 Ke7 35.a5 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.09/26} ( 35.g4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.72/25} 35...Kd6 36.a5 Kc6 37.a6 g6 38.g5 Nb6 39.Ke2 Nd5 40.Kd3 Nc7 41.h4 Nxa6 42.Rxh7 Nb4+ 43.Kc4 Nd5 44.h5 gxh5 45.g6 Rg8 46.g7 Nb6+ 47.Kb4 h4 48.Rh6 Kb7 49.Rxe6 h3 50.Re7+ Ka6 51.Rf7 h2 ) 35...Kd6 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.58/27} ( 35...g6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.09/26} 36.Ke2 Kd6 37.Kd3 Kc6 38.a6 Nf6 39.Kc4 Nd5 40.Rxh7 Nc7 41.Rg7 Rxa7 42.Rxg6 Rxa6 43.d5+ Kd6 44.dxe6 Ra4+ 45.Kc3 Nd5+ 46.Kb3 Rb4+ 47.Kc2 Re4 48.g3 Re2+ 49.Kd3 Rxf2 50.e7+ Kxe7 51.g4 f4 52.h4 Rf1 53.Ke4 Nc3+ 54.Kf5 f3 55.Re6+ Kd7 ) 36.a6 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.42/27} ( 36.g4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.58/27} 36...Kc6 37.a6 g6 38.g5 Nb6 39.h4 Nd5 40.Ke2 Kd6 41.Kd3 Ne7 42.Kc4 Nc6 43.Kb5 Nxa7+ 44.Kb6 Nc8+ 45.Ka5 Ne7 46.Rb6+ Kd5 47.Rb7 Nc6+ 48.Kb6 Kd6 49.Rg7 Rb8+ 50.Rb7 Rc8 51.a7 Nxa7 52.Rxa7 Rc2 53.Rxh7 Rxf2 54.Rh6 Rf4 55.Rxg6 Rxh4 56.Rg8 Rg4 57.g6 Rg3 58.g7 Ke7 59.Kc6 Kf6 60.Kd6 Rxg7 ) 36...g5 37.Ke2 h6 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.24/22} ( 37...Nf6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.16/25} 38.Kd3 Nd5 39.g4 f4 40.Kc4 Nc7 41.Kb4 Nxa6+ 42.Ka5 Nb8 43.Rxb8 Rxa7+ 44.Kb5 Ra2 45.Rd8+ Ke7 46.Rh8 Rxf2 47.Rxh7+ Kf6 48.Rh6+ Kf7 49.Rh7+ Kg6 50.Ra7 Kf6 51.d5 exd5 52.Kc5 f3 53.Kxd5 Rd2+ 54.Ke4 f2 55.Ra6+ Kf7 ) 38.Ke3 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.35/25} ( 38.Kd3 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.24/22} 38...Nf6 39.Kc4 Kc6 40.Kb4 Nd5+ 41.Ka5 f4 42.g3 fxg3 43.fxg3 h5 44.h4 g4 45.Rh7 Nc7 46.Rxh5 Rxa7 47.Rc5+ Kd6 48.Kb6 Rxa6+ 49.Kb7 e5 50.Rxc7 Ra3 51.Rc6+ Kd5 52.dxe5 Kxe5 53.Rg6 Rxg3 ) 38...Nf6 39.Kd3 Nd5 40.Kc4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -2.23/22} ( 40.g4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.50/23} 40...f4 41.f3 Ne7 42.Kc4 Nc6 43.Rb6 Rxa7 44.d5 exd5+ 45.Kb5 Rc7 46.a7 Rxa7 47.Rxc6+ Ke5 48.Rxh6 Ra3 49.Rg6 Rxf3 50.Rxg5+ Ke4 51.Rg8 Rxh3 52.g5 Rb3+ 53.Kc5 Rc3+ 54.Kd6 d4 55.g6 d3 56.Re8+ Kf3 57.g7 d2 ) 40...Nc7 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.83/25} ( 40...Kc6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -2.23/22} 41.Rh7 Nc7 42.Rxh6 Kd6 43.g4 fxg4 44.hxg4 Rxa7 45.Rg6 Rxa6 46.Rxg5 Nd5 47.Rg8 Ra3 48.Rd8+ Kc6 49.Rc8+ Kd7 50.Rf8 Ke7 51.Rh8 Rf3 52.Rh2 Kd6 53.Kb5 Rf7 54.Rg2 Nf4 55.Rh2 Kd5 56.Kb6 Kxd4 57.g5 Ke4 ) 41.Kb4 Nxa6+ 42.Ka5 Nc7 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/31} ( 42...Nb8 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.81/24} 43.Kb5 Nc6 44.Rb6 Kd5 45.Rxc6 Rxa7 46.Rc2 Rb7+ 47.Ka6 Rb8 48.Re2 Rb4 49.Ka5 Rxd4 50.Rb2 e5 51.Rb8 e4 52.Kb5 Ke5 53.Re8+ Kf6 54.Rf8+ Ke6 55.g4 f4 56.Kc5 Rd2 57.Re8+ Kf6 58.Rxe4 Rxf2 ) 43.Kb6 $4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -4.89/25} ( 43.Rb6+ {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/31} 43...Kd5 44.Rb7 Kc6 45.Rb6+ Kd7 46.Rb7 Kc6 ) 43...Nd5+ 44.Kb5 Ne7 45.Rb6+ Kd5 46.Rb7 Nc8 47.Rd7+ Ke4 48.f3+ $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -5.18/21} ( 48.Kc6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -4.28/22} 48...Rxa7 49.Rd8 Ne7+ 50.Kd6 f4 51.Kxe6 Nc6 52.Re8 Nxd4+ 53.Kf6+ Kd3 54.Kg6 Ra6+ 55.Kh7 Re6 56.Rd8 Ke4 57.Ra8 f3 58.g4 Nb5 59.Ra1 Kf4 60.Kg7 Nc3 ) 48...Ke3 49.Kc6 Rxa7 50.Rd8 Ne7+ 51.Kd6 f4 52.Kxe6 Nc6 53.Rh8 Nxd4+ 54.Kd5 Ra5+ 55.Kc4 Ra4+ 56.Kd5 Kf2 57.Rxh6 Nf5 58.Rh5 Ra5+ $1 59.Ke4 Ng3+ 60.Kd3 Nxh5 61.Ke4 Ng3+ 62.Kd3 Kxg2 63.h4 gxh4 64.Kd4 h3 65.Kc4 Rf5 {M7 White loses 0.32 pawn per move (1 blunder, 4 mistakes, 8 inaccuracies), Black loses 0.21 pawn per move (2 mistakes, 6 inaccuracies).} 0-1

They played the QGD Slav and all was equal up to TheKing’s move 28…Ra8:

A better move as suggested by HIARCS would have been 28…Nd6 attacking White’s Rook and making it difficult for White to protect the pawn on a6. However, Maia is unable to find the best reply of 29.a7 that keeps Black’s Rook on a8, instead moved 29.Rb7? Black responded with 29…Nec5 attacking both the Rook and Pawns a4 and a6. White is a pawn up but the doubled a pawns balance the position. Here Maia played 29…a7? A curious move indeed. Better would have been 29…Rc7 but the played move loses the Rook to a Knight.

A poor move by TheKing and a blunder by Maia followed and the TheKing announced Mate in 7 at move 65.

The statistics show that Maia made 1 blunder, 4 mistakes and 8 inaccuracies whilst TheKing made 2 mistakes and 6 inaccuracies. Well, we did expect TheKing to do well against Maia.

Current score 3 ½ - ½ to TheKing.
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Folgende 3 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Ray für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Mephisto_Risc (01.04.2024), mickihamster (01.04.2024), Tibono (01.04.2024)
Alt 03.04.2024, 13:37
Benutzerbild von Ray
Ray Ray ist offline
Mephisto Lyon
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0/3 ssssss162
Re: TheKing v Chessnut Evo Maia Level 9

Game 5/10
[Event "TheKing V Evo Maia L9 Master Book"]
[Round "5"]
[White "TheKing 30s/move"]
[Black "MaiaL9"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B19"]

1.e4 c6 2.Nc3 d5 3.d4 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Bf5 5.Ng3 Bg6 6.h4 h6 7.Nf3 Nd7 8.h5 Bh7 9.Bd3 Bxd3 10.Qxd3 e6 11.Bf4 Ngf6 12.O-O-O Be7 13.Kb1 Qb6 $6 ( {Theory prefers} 13...O-O $1 ) 14.c4 O-O 15.Rhe1 Rad8 16.Qc2 Rfe8 17.Re3 Qa6 18.Rc3 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.51/23} ( 18.Ne5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/24} 18...Rf8 19.f3 Nb6 20.Red3 Rfe8 21.Re3 Rf8 ) 18...b5 19.cxb5 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.82/21} ( 19.c5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.37/22} 19...b4 20.Rcd3 Nd5 21.Bd2 Qb5 22.a4 bxa3 23.Rb3 Qa6 24.Rxa3 Qb7 25.Qb3 Rb8 26.Qxb7 Rxb7 27.Ne4 Reb8 28.Ra2 N7f6 29.Nxf6+ Bxf6 30.Re1 Rb5 31.Re4 Nb4 32.Bxb4 Rxb4 33.Ne5 Bxe5 ) 19...Qxb5 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.33/24} ( 19...cxb5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.82/21} 20.Rc6 Qb7 21.Rc7 Qb8 22.Qc1 Rc8 23.Rxc8 Qxc8 24.Qxc8 Rxc8 25.Ne5 Nd5 26.Rc1 Rxc1+ 27.Bxc1 N7f6 28.Bd2 Bd6 29.f3 a6 30.Kc2 Bc7 31.a3 Kf8 32.Kd3 Ke7 33.Nc6+ Ke8 34.Ne4 Nxh5 ) 20.Rxc6 Nd5 21.Bd2 Rb8 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.14/23} ( 21...Ba3 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.47/23} 22.Ne4 a5 23.Nd6 Bxd6 24.Rxd6 Rb8 25.Rc6 Ne7 26.d5 Nxd5 27.Nd4 Qb7 28.Rc1 Qa7 29.Rc4 Ne5 30.Rc5 a4 31.Be3 Nd7 32.Nc6 Nxe3 33.Nxa7 Nxc2 34.R5xc2 Nf6 35.Rc7 ) 22.Ne5 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.10/26} ( 22.Ka1 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.14/23} 22...a5 23.Rc1 a4 24.Rc4 a3 25.b3 N7b6 26.Rc6 Rec8 27.Ne5 Rxc6 28.Nxc6 Rc8 29.Bf4 Qa6 30.Nxe7+ Nxe7 31.Qe2 Qa7 32.Rxc8+ Nbxc8 33.Be5 Nd5 34.Qf3 ) 22...Nxe5 23.dxe5 Ba3 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.94/25} ( 23...Red8 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.22/23} 24.Rc4 Ba3 25.Bc1 Bf8 26.Rd2 Nb6 27.Rxd8 Nxc4 28.Qd1 Rxd8 29.Qxd8 Nxe5 30.b3 Nd3 31.Ba3 Nb4 32.f3 Qc5 33.Bxb4 Qxb4 34.Ne4 Qe1+ 35.Kb2 Qg1 36.Qd2 Qh2 37.Nc3 Qxh5 38.f4 Qg6 ) 24.b3 a5 $1 25.Qc4 $1 Qb7 26.Bxa5 $1 Rec8 27.Rxc8+ Rxc8 28.Qd4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.74/25} ( 28.Qd3 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.82/24} 28...Qa7 29.Bd2 Qxf2 30.Ne2 Rd8 31.Rg1 Qa7 32.g4 Bb4 33.Bxb4 Qxa2+ 34.Kxa2 Nxb4+ 35.Kb2 Rxd3 36.Rc1 Re3 37.Rc8+ Kh7 38.Nc3 Rh3 39.Rc7 Nd3+ 40.Kc2 Rf3 41.Nb5 Nxe5 42.Nd6 Rf2+ 43.Kd1 Nxg4 44.Nxf7 Ne3+ 45.Ke1 ) 28...Qa6 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/31} ( 28...Qc6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.74/25} 29.Qc4 Qa8 30.Qa4 Qa6 31.Qxa3 Nc3+ 32.Bxc3 Qxa3 33.Ne4 Rb8 34.f3 Rb5 35.Bd4 Rd5 36.Nc3 Rd8 37.Kc2 Qb4 38.Bc5 Qh4 39.Rxd8+ Qxd8 40.b4 Qg5 41.g4 Qxe5 42.a4 Qf4 43.a5 Qxf3 44.a6 Qxg4 45.a7 Qg2+ 46.Kb3 Qh1 47.b5 Qf3 ) 29.Bd2 Qc6 30.Qd3 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.60/23} ( 30.Qc4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/30} 30...Qd7 31.Qd3 Qc7 32.Re1 Nb4 33.Qe4 Nc2 34.Rd1 Qd7 35.Qg4 Qd3 36.Qe4 Qd7 ) 30...Qc7 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/31} ( 30...Nb4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.60/23} 31.Qe4 Qd7 32.Ne2 Rc2 33.Qa8+ Kh7 34.Qe4+ g6 35.Nd4 Rb2+ 36.Ka1 Rxa2+ 37.Kb1 Rb2+ 38.Ka1 Qa7 39.hxg6+ fxg6 40.Bxb4 Rxf2 41.Nc2 Bxb4+ 42.Kb1 Bf8 43.Qd4 Qf7 44.Qd7 Kg8 45.Qxf7+ Kxf7 46.Rd7+ Ke8 47.Rh7 Rf5 48.Kb2 Rxe5 49.Kc3 h5 50.Nd4 Re3+ 51.Kc4 Bd6 52.Ra7 Rg3 53.Nxe6 Rxg2 54.Kd5 Rd2+ 55.Ke4 Rd1 56.Nd4 ) 31.Re1 Nb4 32.Qe4 Nc2 33.Rd1 Nd4 34.f3 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.28/25} ( 34.Rh1 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/26} 34...Nb5 35.Ne2 Qd8 36.Bf4 Qb6 37.Rf1 Qa5 38.f3 Rd8 39.Be3 Rd5 40.g4 Qc7 41.Bf4 Qa5 42.Be3 ) 34...Nb5 $1 35.Ne2 Rd8 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.18/23} ( 35...Qd8 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.17/23} 36.f4 Rc5 37.Qe3 Rd5 38.Kc2 Qd7 39.Qg3 Bb4 40.Bxb4 Rxd1 41.Qe3 Rh1 42.Qd3 Qc8+ 43.Qc4 Qb7 44.a4 Nc7 45.Bd2 Rxh5 46.Nc3 Rh2 47.g3 Nd5 48.Nxd5 exd5 49.Qd3 g6 50.Qd4 Rg2 51.Qd3 Kg7 ) 36.f4 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.39/25} ( 36.Qc2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.18/23} 36...Qxe5 37.Bc1 Rxd1 38.Qxd1 Bf8 39.Bb2 Qxh5 40.a4 Nc7 41.Nf4 Qf5+ 42.Nd3 Nd5 43.g4 Qg5 44.Qc1 Qd8 45.Qc4 Qa5 46.Bd4 Qa8 47.Kb2 Be7 48.Kb1 Bf6 49.Bxf6 Nxf6 50.Ne5 Qb8 51.f4 Nd5 52.a5 ) 36...Rd5 37.Qa4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.80/26} ( 37.Qf3 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.85/23} 37...Bf8 38.Kb2 Qd8 39.Kc2 Qd7 40.Kc1 Bb4 41.Bxb4 Rxd1+ 42.Kb2 Nc7 43.Qb7 Rf1 44.Bd6 Rf2 45.Qxc7 Rxe2+ 46.Kb1 Qxc7 47.Bxc7 Kf8 48.g4 Rf2 49.Bd6+ Ke8 50.g5 Rxf4 51.gxh6 gxh6 52.a4 Rh4 53.a5 Rh1+ 54.Kc2 Rh2+ 55.Kd3 Rxh5 ) 37...Qd7 $1 38.Kc2 $1 Qc6+ $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/28} ( 38...Bf8 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -2.32/23} 39.Qa6 Na3+ 40.Kc1 Qc7+ 41.Bc3 Nb5 42.Kb2 Rxd1 43.Qxb5 Qa7 44.a4 Qf2 45.b4 Qxg2 46.Qc4 Rf1 47.Ka3 Rf2 48.Nd4 Rxf4 49.a5 Qe4 50.Ka4 Qxe5 51.a6 Qxh5 52.a7 Qh1 53.b5 Rf2 ) 39.Bc3 Rc5 40.Rd8+ Kh7 41.Kd3 $1 Qxg2 42.Bd2 $1 Qf3+ $1 43.Be3 Rd5+ $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.28/25} ( 43...Nc3 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/24} 44.Nxc3 Rxc3+ 45.Kxc3 Qxe3+ 46.Kc2 Qc1+ 47.Kd3 Qd1+ 48.Kc3 Qc1+ 49.Kd3 ) 44.Rxd5 Qxd5+ 45.Nd4 Nxd4 46.Qxd4 Qb5+ 47.Qc4 Qd7+ 48.Kc3 Kg8 49.b4 Qd1 50.Qb3 Qf3 51.Kd4 Bxb4 $1 52.Qxb4 Qd5+ 53.Kc3 Qxa2 54.Qb8+ Kh7 55.Qb3 Qa8 56.Qd1 $1 Qc6+ 57.Kd3 Qd5+ $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +2.36/25} ( 57...Qb5+ {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.23/26} 58.Kd2 Qd5+ 59.Ke2 Qg2+ 60.Kd3 Kg8 61.Bd2 Qg3+ 62.Kd4 Qf2+ 63.Ke4 Kh7 64.Be3 Qg2+ 65.Qf3 Qc2+ 66.Kd4 Qb3 67.Qe4+ Kg8 68.Kc5 Qd1 69.Qd4 Qxh5 70.Kd6 Qh4 71.Kd7 h5 72.Qc5 Qg3 73.Ke7 h4 74.f5 h3 ) 58.Bd4 Kg8 59.Ke3 Qg2 60.Bc3 Qg3+ 61.Qf3 Qg1+ 62.Ke2 Qh2+ 63.Kd1 Qa2 64.Qc6 Qb1+ 65.Kd2 Qa2+ $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +2.66/25} ( 65...Qf1 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.62/22} 66.Qa8+ Kh7 67.Qe4+ Kg8 68.Bd4 Kh8 69.Qe3 Kg8 70.Qf2 Qc4 71.Be3 Qa2+ 72.Kd1 Qb1+ 73.Ke2 f6 74.Bd4 Qc2+ 75.Kf3 Qd1+ 76.Ke3 Qc1+ 77.Qd2 Qg1+ 78.Kf3 Qh1+ 79.Kg3 Qxh5 80.Qd3 Qf7 81.Bc5 fxe5 ) 66.Ke3 Qb3 67.f5 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.19/22} ( 67.Kf2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +2.32/23} 67...Qb1 68.Qf3 Qc2+ 69.Kg3 Kh7 70.Bb4 Qc4 71.Be7 Qc2 72.Qe3 Qb1 73.Bc5 Qf5 74.Qe2 Qb1 75.Qf3 Qc2 76.Bb6 Qb1 77.Bd4 Qc2 78.Bc3 Qf5 79.Kh4 Qb1 80.Bd4 Qc2 ) 67...exf5 68.Qc8+ Kh7 69.Qxf5+ Kg8 70.Qc8+ $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.60/21} ( 70.Qd3 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.11/22} 70...Qb6+ 71.Qd4 Qc6 72.Kf2 Qh1 73.Qd8+ Kh7 74.Qd3+ Kg8 75.Qf3 Qh2+ 76.Kf1 Kh7 77.Bd4 Kg8 78.Qa8+ Kh7 79.Qe4+ Kg8 80.Qf3 Qa2 81.Kg1 Qa4 82.Qg4 Qc4 83.e6 Qc1+ 84.Kh2 Qc2+ 85.Kh3 Qd3+ 86.Kh4 g5+ 87.hxg6 fxg6 88.Bf6 g5+ 89.Bxg5 hxg5+ 90.Qxg5+ Kh7 91.Qh5+ Kg7 92.Qf7+ Kh6 93.Qf4+ Kg6 94.Qe5 Qc4+ 95.Kg3 ) 70...Kh7 71.Qc6 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.57/21} ( 71.Qf5+ {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.07/22} 71...Kg8 72.Qd3 Qe6 73.Kf2 Qg4 74.Qf3 Qh4+ 75.Kg1 Kh8 76.Kg2 Kg8 77.Bd2 Qd4 78.Qe2 Qd5+ 79.Kg3 Qa2 80.Qd3 Qa1 81.Bf4 Qg1+ 82.Kh4 Qh1+ 83.Kg4 Qg1+ 84.Bg3 Qc1 85.Bh4 Qa1 86.Qd6 Qf1 87.e6 ) 71...Kg8 72.Kf4 Qa2 73.Kf3 Qc2 $4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: #39/24} ( 73...Qh2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.58/17} 74.Qc8+ Kh7 75.Qg4 Qh1+ 76.Kf2 Qc1 77.Bd4 Qd2+ 78.Kg3 Qd3+ 79.Kg2 Qc2+ 80.Bf2 Qc1 81.Qe4+ Kg8 82.Qe3 Qd1 83.Qf3 Qd2 84.Kh3 Qd7+ 85.Qg4 Qd2 86.Bb6 Qc3+ 87.Qg3 Qb4 88.Qe3 ) 74.Qa8+ Kh7 75.Qe4+ Qxe4+ 76.Kxe4 g6 77.hxg6+ Kxg6 78.Kf4 h5 79.Be1 Kh6 80.Kf5 Kg7 81.Kg5 Kf8 82.Kxh5 Ke7 83.Bh4+ $1 Ke6 84.Bf6 Kd5 85.Kh6 Ke6 86.Kg7 Kd7 87.Kxf7 {M10 White loses 0.16 pawn per move (1 mistake, 10 inaccuracies), Black loses 0.2 pawn per move (1 blunder, 5 mistakes, 5 inaccuracies).} 1-0

The longest game so far and in this match I have been stopping the game at the point of mate announcements. In this game the Caro-Kann, Spassky variation was played but it was not until almost exactly half way through the game did TheKing start to gain and finally win. In fact, at times Maia was playing much better and should have won.

In the following position Maia had just played 21…Rb8?!

The position is dangerous for TheKing with Maia’s pieces lining up for an attack on its King. However, Maia’s move was not the best. 21…Ba3 would have been the better attack, but nonetheless, TheKing needs to be very careful. The Pawn on b2 and Queen on c2 are the main defence against Maia’s onslaught. TheKing moved 22.Ne5?! Better would have been to consider King safety with 22.Ka1
Play continued with 22…Nxe5 23.dxe5 and although Black is down a pawn is in a much better position:

Later on White had just moved 38.Kc2 and Maia with the Black pieces was 2 pawns down but had again achieved a better position after having an advantage and losing it a few moves back! However, as I often say it’s easy for strong PC engines to identify good and bad positions, in this case DH15.3 was looking 23 ply ahead. TheKing with 30 average 30 seconds was achieving around 10 ply, and Maia was limited to 6 ply although had it’s Neural data to assist. Here is the position:

DH15 gives Black an evaluation of around 2.8 over TheKing. Here, Maia played 38…Qc6+? DH15 gives this position an eval of 0.00 (at ply 28). Play then continue with 39.Bc3 and White would not mind exchanging Rooks to ease the pressure. 39…Rc5 Black wants to keep the Rook! 40.Rd8+ and the game is level. I think for Maia to see the full implications and I assume the Neural data was not good enough, it’s 6 ply search was just not enough to see the better move of 38…Bf8 allowing the move Na3+ to follow. So now the game is level until move 43 when TheKing started to get the advantage. Even then it also made poor choices and levelled the playing field before finally kicking into action, also aided by a blunder from Maia at move 73:

TheKing had just moved 73.Kf3 and Maia replied 73…Qc2?? Had it correctly evaluated the position after 6 ply search that actually followed it would have found the exchange of Queens and Whites’s Pawn on e5 to be a winning combination. I think this is where TheKing’s greater search depth coupled with its programmed knowledge is superior to Maia’s more limited fixed 6 ply, and obviously its neural data is inadequate in such positions. That being said, we can see TheKing is not always playing so well and Maia put up a pretty good fight for half the game. Just imagine Maia being able to look further ahead, the result could well be quite different. Anyway, at move 87 TheKing announced mate in 10.

Current score 4 ½ - ½ to TheKing
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Re: TheKing v Chessnut Evo Maia Level 9

Game 6/10
[Event "TheKing V Evo Maia L9 Master Book"]
[Round "6"]
[White "MaiaL9"]
[Black "TheKing 30s/move"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A00"]

1.g3 e5 2.Bg2 Nf6 $5 ( {Theory prefers} 2...d5 $1 ) 3.d4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.42/21} ( {Theoretical move is} 3.c4 $1 ) ( 3.c4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.10/21} 3...c5 4.Nc3 Nc6 5.d3 Be7 6.Nf3 d6 7.O-O O-O 8.a3 Bd7 9.Be3 h6 10.b4 cxb4 11.axb4 Nxb4 12.d4 exd4 13.Nxd4 Qc8 14.Qb3 Nc6 ) 3...exd4 4.Qxd4 d5 5.Nc3 Nc6 6.Qa4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.76/22} ( 6.Qd2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.23/23} 6...Be6 7.Nf3 Bc5 8.O-O O-O 9.Qd3 h6 10.a3 Qd7 11.Rd1 Rad8 12.b4 Bf5 13.Qd2 Bb6 14.Bb2 a6 15.e3 d4 16.exd4 Bxd4 17.Nxd4 ) 6...Bb4 7.Bd2 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.07/20} ( 7.Bf4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.64/22} 7...O-O 8.Rd1 a6 9.Nf3 Ne4 10.Qb3 d4 11.Nxd4 Nxd4 12.Bxe4 Nxb3 13.Rxd8 Rxd8 14.axb3 c6 15.O-O Bg4 16.Bd3 g6 17.Be3 Rac8 18.Ne4 Kg7 19.Nc5 Bxc5 20.Bxc5 Kf6 ) 7...Bd7 8.a3 $4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -5.21/24} ( 8.Qb5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.35/20} 8...O-O 9.O-O-O a6 10.Qd3 Be6 11.Nf3 d4 12.Ne4 Bf5 13.Nxf6+ Qxf6 14.Qb3 Be6 15.Qd3 Bxd2+ 16.Qxd2 Rad8 17.Kb1 Rfe8 18.Rhe1 Bd5 19.b3 Be4 20.Rg1 Bf5 21.Rge1 Bg4 ) 8...Nd4 9.Qxb4 Nxc2+ 10.Kd1 Nxb4 11.axb4 O-O 12.Nf3 Qe7 13.Nd4 Qxb4 14.Nc2 Qb6 $1 15.Be3 Qd6 16.b4 Ne4 $1 17.Nxe4 dxe4+ 18.Ke1 Rfe8 19.Rd1 Qc6 20.Nd4 Qc3+ 21.Kf1 Rad8 $1 22.b5 Bxb5 23.Bh3 Bxe2+ $1 24.Kxe2 c5 25.Nf5 Qc4+ 26.Ke1 Rxd1+ 27.Kxd1 Rd8+ 28.Ke1 Qd3 29.Bg4 Qb1+ 30.Ke2 Qxh1 31.Ne7+ Kf8 32.Bxc5 Qd1+ 33.Ke3 Qc1+ 34.Kxe4 Qxc5 35.Nf5 g5 $1 {M8 White loses 0.33 pawn per move (1 blunder, 3 inaccuracies), Black loses 0.01 pawn per move (no errors).} 0-1

In one of the shorter games of the match Maia as White started with an unusual opening and also made a huge blunder! TheKing did not make any bad or dubious moves and seized the opportunity. The blunder came very early on at move 7. Here is the position after TheKing had just moved 7.Bd7 Concealed attack on the enemy Queen.

Maia was unhappy with Black’s Bishop on b4 especially as it had previously moved 7…Bd2. To support it’s dislike of Black’s Bishop Maia played the fateful 8.a3?? 6 ply search is just enough to see that White’s Queen will be lost starting with Black’s reply of 8…Nd4 and now the Bishop is attacking the Queen and Black’s Knight on d4 has its eye on the c2 pawn! 9.Qxb4 If axB4 then Whites Queen is lost to the Bishop on d7! 8…Nxc2+ and White loses its Queen!

At move 35 TheKing announced mate in 8.

The score now 5 ½ - ½ is there any point carrying on? Well it’s obvious TheKing is not going to lose, but this match is more about how well or badly Maia plays. It’s unfortunate, but just prior to the last Evo software update adding the book openings, I had played a game with it against TheKing and it achieved an impressive win with a King-side attack TheKing was totally defenceless against! I don’t know if adding the book openings has weakened it’s play? Maybe I just need to play more games between them to witness a similar result. Suffice to say you will not be seeing a game like that in this match. It’s unfortunate that I did not record Maia’s win against TheKing. Note to self, record every game!
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Mephisto Lyon
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Re: TheKing v Chessnut Evo Maia Level 9

Game 7/10
[Event "TheKing V Evo Maia L9 Master Book"]
[Round "7"]
[White "TheKing 30s/move"]
[Black "MaiaL9"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B02"]

1.e4 Nf6 2.Nc3 d5 3.e5 d4 $5 ( {Theory prefers} 3...Nfd7 $1 ) 4.exf6 dxc3 5.bxc3 $146 ( {Theoretical move is} 5.fxg7 $1 ) 5...exf6 6.d4 Bd6 7.Bd3 O-O 8.Qh5 g6 9.Qf3 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.27/25} ( 9.Qh4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/22} 9...c5 10.Ne2 Nc6 11.O-O cxd4 12.Nxd4 Be5 13.Be3 f5 14.Bg5 Qa5 15.Rae1 Bd7 16.Rb1 b6 17.Bxf5 gxf5 18.Nxc6 Bxc6 19.Bf6 Bxf6 20.Qxf6 Qxa2 21.Qg5+ Kh8 22.Qf6+ Kg8 ) 9...Re8+ 10.Ne2 c5 11.O-O Nc6 12.Rb1 Rb8 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/24} ( 12...Be6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.36/20} 13.Bf4 Bf8 14.Qg3 Qd7 15.dxc5 Bxc5 16.c4 Na5 17.Nc3 Bxc4 18.Qf3 Bxd3 19.cxd3 Bd4 20.Ne4 Re6 21.Rfd1 Rd8 22.Bd2 b6 23.Bb4 ) 13.Be3 cxd4 14.cxd4 Be6 15.c4 Nb4 16.d5 Nxd3 17.dxe6 Rxe6 $1 18.Bxa7 Rc8 19.Nd4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.87/23} ( 19.Rfd1 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.43/23} 19...Ne5 20.Qxb7 Nxc4 21.Nc3 Qe8 22.g3 Kg7 23.Qb5 Qe7 24.Qa6 Qd7 25.Nb5 Be5 26.Rxd7 Rxa6 27.f4 Bb2 28.Bf2 Rxa2 29.Kg2 Ba3 30.Kg1 Rf8 31.Nxa3 Rxa3 32.Rbb7 Ra2 ) 19...Ne5 20.Qc3 Re8 $1 21.c5 Bf8 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/26} ( 21...Nd7 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.79/22} 22.Rfd1 Bxc5 23.Bxc5 Rxc5 24.Qb3 b6 25.Nc2 Qc8 26.Ne3 Qc6 27.a4 Kg7 28.Nd5 Re6 29.h4 Rd6 30.Nb4 Rxd1+ 31.Rxd1 Qc8 32.Nd5 Rc1 33.g3 Rxd1+ 34.Qxd1 Qc4 ) 22.Rxb7 Qd5 23.Rb5 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.44/23} ( 23.c6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/25} 23...Nxc6 24.Nxc6 Rxc6 25.Qb3 Qe6 26.Qxe6 fxe6 27.Be3 Ra6 28.Ra1 Rea8 29.g3 Rxa2 30.Rxa2 Rxa2 31.Rb6 Kf7 32.Rb7+ Kg8 ) 23...Qxa2 24.Bb6 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.75/23} ( 24.Ra1 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/25} 24...Qc4 25.Qxc4 Nxc4 26.h3 Ne5 27.Bb6 Nc4 28.Ba7 ) 24...Nc6 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/21} ( 24...Qc4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.75/23} 25.Qxc4 Nxc4 26.Rd1 Re5 27.Nb3 Nxb6 28.Rxb6 f5 29.g3 Bxc5 30.Nxc5 Rexc5 31.Rd7 R8c7 32.Rxc7 Rxc7 33.Kg2 Rc3 34.Ra6 Kg7 35.Kf1 Rc4 36.Ke2 Re4+ 37.Kf3 Re6 38.Ra5 Kf6 39.h4 h6 40.Kf4 Rb6 ) 25.Nxc6 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.47/26} ( 25.Rb2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/21} 25...Qd5 26.Nb5 Qe5 27.Rc2 Qxc3 28.Rxc3 Re2 29.Rcc1 f5 30.g3 Ra8 31.Kg2 Rb2 32.Rb1 Rd2 33.Rfd1 Rc2 34.Rbc1 Raa2 35.Rxc2 Rxc2 36.Na3 Rc3 37.Nb5 Rc2 ) 25...Rxc6 26.Qd4 Re5 27.Rc1 Rd5 28.Qe3 Re6 29.Qc3 Qa4 30.Rbb1 Qc6 31.Rc2 Ree5 32.Rbc1 $1 Bh6 33.Ra1 Bf8 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.32/25} ( 33...Re4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.65/24} 34.g3 Bf8 35.Qf3 f5 36.Rac1 h5 37.h4 Bg7 38.Rc4 Rdd4 39.Rxd4 Bxd4 40.Kg2 Qe6 41.Rd1 Qe5 42.Qd3 Bxc5 43.Bxc5 Qxc5 44.Qd6 Re5 45.Qb8+ Kg7 46.Rd6 ) 34.Rac1 Bh6 35.Ra1 Bf8 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/26} ( 35...Re4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.50/23} 36.g3 Red4 37.Qf3 Kg7 38.h3 f5 39.Ra3 Bg5 40.Rcc3 Re4 41.Kh2 Be7 42.Rc2 Bxc5 43.Qc3+ Ree5 44.Bxc5 Qxc5 45.Qb2 Qd4 46.Qxd4 Rxd4 47.Kg2 Rde4 48.Rc7 g5 49.Ra6 Re1 ) 36.Rac1 {White loses 0.18 pawn per move (5 inaccuracies), Black loses 0.12 pawn per move (5 inaccuracies).} 1/2-1/2

Here we are with game 7 where the Alekhine’s Defence, Scandinavian variation was played. There were no blunders or mistakes by either side and an equal number of inaccuracies, so no surprises the game ended in a draw, only the second so far in this match.

Current score 6 - 1 to TheKing
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Bryan Whitby (04.04.2024), Mephisto_Risc (04.04.2024)
Alt 05.04.2024, 10:39
Benutzerbild von Ray
Ray Ray ist offline
Mephisto Lyon
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Re: TheKing v Chessnut Evo Maia Level 9

Game 8/10
[Event "TheKing V Evo Maia L9 Master Book"]
[Round "8"]
[White "MaiaL9"]
[Black "TheKing 30s/move"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B10"]

1.e4 c6 2.Nc3 d5 3.e5 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.11/25} ( {Theoretical move is} 3.Nf3 $1 ) ( {Or} 3.d4 $1 ) ( 3.Nf3 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.25/22} 3...Nf6 4.e5 Ne4 5.d4 Nxc3 6.bxc3 e6 7.c4 c5 8.Be2 cxd4 9.O-O Nc6 10.Nxd4 Be7 11.cxd5 exd5 12.Bb5 Qc7 13.c4 dxc4 14.f4 O-O 15.Bxc4 Nxd4 ) 3...d4 4.Ne4 Nd7 5.f4 f5 6.Ng5 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.23/24} ( 6.Nf2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.54/22} 6...e6 7.c3 Nb6 8.Nf3 dxc3 9.dxc3 Qxd1+ 10.Kxd1 Be7 11.Be2 Bd7 12.b3 h5 13.Bd2 O-O-O 14.c4 Kb8 15.Kc2 c5 16.Rhd1 Nh6 17.Nd3 ) 6...Nb6 7.b3 e6 8.Bb2 Ne7 9.Qh5+ g6 10.Qh4 Ned5 11.Qg3 Nb4 12.O-O-O Nxa2+ 13.Kb1 Nb4 14.N1f3 d3 15.c3 Qd5 16.Nd4 c5 $1 17.cxb4 cxd4 18.Qxd3 Bxb4 19.Qxd4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.46/25} ( 19.g4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/22} 19...Qxh1 20.Qxd4 O-O 21.Qxb4 Qxh2 22.Qd6 fxg4 23.Bb5 Rf5 24.Qd8+ Rf8 25.Qd6 ) 19...Qxd4 20.Bxd4 Bd7 21.Bc4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.22/22} ( 21.Kb2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.36/22} 21...h6 22.Nf3 Kf7 23.h4 Bc6 24.h5 gxh5 25.Be2 Nd5 26.g3 a5 27.Ra1 Rhd8 28.Rh4 Be7 29.Rxh5 Nxf4 30.gxf4 Bxf3 31.Bxf3 Rxd4 32.Rxh6 Rxd2+ 33.Kc1 Bb4 34.Bh5+ Kg7 35.Rg6+ Kh7 36.Rxe6 Rc8+ 37.Kb1 Rc3 ) 21...Nxc4 22.bxc4 h6 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.03/25} ( 22...b5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.41/21} 23.cxb5 h6 24.Nf3 Bxb5 25.Kb2 Bc6 26.Ra1 Bxf3 27.gxf3 Bxd2 28.Ra6 Kf7 29.Rha1 Rhe8 30.Rxa7+ Rxa7 31.Rxa7+ Re7 32.Rxe7+ Kxe7 33.Kb3 Bxf4 34.h3 Kf7 35.Kc3 g5 36.Kc4 Ke8 37.Bc3 Ke7 38.Kd4 Bg3 39.Kd3 Kf7 40.Ke2 Kg6 ) 23.Nf3 Ba4 24.Rc1 Bc6 25.Kc2 O-O-O $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.50/23} ( 25...Kf7 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.00/21} 26.Bc3 Be7 27.Nd4 Bxg2 28.Rhg1 Be4+ 29.d3 Bc6 30.Nxc6 bxc6 31.Rb1 g5 32.Rb7 a5 33.d4 Rhb8 34.Rxb8 Rxb8 35.Bxa5 gxf4 36.Bd2 f3 37.Rf1 Ra8 38.Rxf3 Ra2+ 39.Kd3 Bg5 40.Bf4 Bxf4 41.Rxf4 Rxh2 42.Ke3 Rh3+ 43.Ke2 ) 26.Be3 Rh7 27.Nd4 $1 Ba4+ $1 28.Kb2 Bxd2 $1 29.Bxd2 Rxd4 30.Be3 Rd3 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.30/25} ( 30...Re4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.72/24} 31.Bxa7 Rxf4 32.Bb6 Kd7 33.g3 Re4 34.Rhe1 Rxe1 35.Rxe1 Rh8 36.Be3 g5 37.h4 f4 38.gxf4 g4 39.Rg1 Rg8 40.Rg3 h5 41.Kc3 Rf8 42.Bc5 Rxf4 43.Rd3+ Kc7 ) 31.Bxa7 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.95/24} ( 31.Rc3 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.30/25} 31...Rxc3 32.Kxc3 a6 33.Rg1 Rc7 34.Bb6 Rg7 35.Ra1 Bc6 36.Rd1 Rd7 37.Rxd7 Kxd7 38.g3 g5 39.Bc5 g4 40.Kb4 h5 41.Ka5 Be4 42.Kb6 Ke8 43.Bd6 Kf7 44.Kc5 Kg6 45.Kb6 h4 46.gxh4 ) 31...Rhd7 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.39/24} ( 31...b6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.95/24} 32.c5 b5 33.Bb6 Rhd7 34.Rc3 Rd2+ 35.Ka3 R7d4 36.c6 Rxf4 37.Be3 b4+ 38.Kxa4 bxc3+ 39.Bxf4 Rd4+ 40.Kb3 Rxf4 41.Kxc3 Re4 42.Rd1 Rxe5 43.Rd7 Re2 44.Rg7 g5 45.Kb4 Rxg2 46.Kc5 Rxh2 47.Rg8+ Kc7 48.Rg7+ Kd8 49.Rg8+ Ke7 50.c7 Rc2+ 51.Kb6 e5 52.c8=Q Rxc8 53.Rxc8 g4 54.Rc7+ Kf6 55.Rc6+ Kg5 ) 32.Rc3 Rd2+ 33.Ka3 Bc6 34.Rg1 g5 35.Be3 Re2 36.fxg5 hxg5 37.Bxg5 Bxg2 38.h4 Bc6 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.35/25} ( 38...Rd4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/24} 39.h5 Rg4 40.Bf6 Be4 41.Rgg3 Rh2 42.Rh3 Rgg2 43.h6 f4 44.h7 Bxh7 45.Rxh2 Rxh2 46.Rf3 Kc7 47.Kb4 Rb2+ 48.Kc3 Rc2+ 49.Kb4 Rb2+ ) 39.h5 Rxe5 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.85/17} ( 39...Re4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.32/21} 40.Kb4 Rg4 41.Rcg3 Rdd4 42.Kc5 Kc7 43.Rxg4 Rxg4 44.Rxg4 fxg4 45.Kd4 Be8 46.h6 Bg6 47.Bh4 Kb6 48.Bf2 Kc6 49.Bg3 Bf5 50.Bf2 Kd7 51.Ke3 Kc6 52.Kf4 ) 40.h6 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.23/20} ( 40.Bf4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.85/17} 40...Ra5+ 41.Kb4 Ra4+ 42.Kb3 b5 43.cxb5 Rxf4 44.bxc6 Rf7 45.Rg8+ Kc7 46.Ra8 Kd6 47.c7 Rxc7 48.Rxc7 Kxc7 49.h6 Rh4 50.h7 Rxh7 51.Ra7+ Kc6 52.Rxh7 Kd5 53.Kc2 Ke4 54.Kd2 e5 ) 40...Ra5+ $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +3.07/18} ( 40...Re4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.23/20} 41.Kb4 Rh7 42.Rf3 Kd7 43.Rf4 Rxf4 44.Bxf4 Ke7 45.Kc3 e5 46.Rg7+ Rxg7 47.hxg7 Kf7 48.Bxe5 f4 49.Kd3 Kg8 50.Bd4 Kf7 51.Ke2 Be4 ) 41.Kb4 b6 42.Bf6 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.85/18} ( 42.Rh3 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +2.35/18} 42...Ra4+ 43.Kb3 b5 44.cxb5 Rda7 45.Rc3 Ra3+ 46.Kc2 Rxc3+ 47.Kxc3 Bf3 48.Kd4 Rf7 49.Bf4 Bg4 50.Ke5 Kd8 51.Rc1 Rd7 ) 42...f4 43.Rh3 Be4 44.Rh4 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.43/18} ( 44.Rg7 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.64/17} 44...Bh7 45.Be7 Bf5 46.h7 Bxh7 47.Rhxh7 Ra1 48.Kb5 Rb1+ 49.Bb4 Rxg7 50.Rxg7 Kd8 51.Rf7 e5 52.Rf5 Kd7 53.Rxe5 f3 54.Re7+ Kc8 ) 44...e5 45.Re1 Bh7 46.Rxe5 Rf7 47.Rxf4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/19} ( 47.Re6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.35/20} 47...f3 48.Rh2 Rf5 49.Re8+ Kb7 50.Bd4 Rf4 51.Be3 Rg4 52.Rb2 Rd7 53.Rf8 Bd3 54.Rd2 Rxc4+ 55.Kb3 Rh4 56.Rxf3 Bc4+ 57.Kc3 Rxd2 58.Bxd2 Be6 ) 47...Rxf6 48.Rxf6 Rxe5 49.Rxb6 Rh5 50.Rf6 Kd8 51.c5 Ke7 52.Rd6 Bf5 53.Kb5 Be6 54.Kb6 Rxh6 55.Rd4 Bd5+ 56.Kb5 Ke6 57.c6 Ke5 58.c7 Rc6 59.Ra4 Rxc7 60.Kb6 Rc3 61.Ra5 Kd6 62.Kb5 Rb3+ 63.Ka4 Rb1 64.Ka3 Ke5 65.Ka4 Kd4 66.Ka3 Kc3 {M7 White loses 0.11 pawn per move (2 mistakes, 7 inaccuracies), Black loses 0.14 pawn per move (2 mistakes, 5 inaccuracies).} 0-1

In this game they played the Caro-Kann Defence and neither side achieving greatness with TheKing wining just by making two less inaccuracies according to DH15. That’s not bad going for Maia!
Where one side had a slight positional advantage it required a much deeper search than either were able to manage for them to benefit. The final decision came in how well the end game was managed.

In the following position at move 55 with White to move the endgame database reveals the result is a draw:

Neither engine uses EGDB’s so their moves were down to knowledge and depth of search. In these positions I suspect TheKing has the advantage as it’s not limited to search depth other than by time constraints. It was not until move 66 when TheKing saw a mating sequence in 7 moves.

An interesting game that could have easily ended up in a draw but a win is a win.
Current score 7 – 1 to TheKing
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Alt 05.04.2024, 14:15
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Ray Ray ist offline
Mephisto Lyon
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Re: TheKing v Chessnut Evo Maia Level 9

Game 9/10
[Event "TheKing V Evo Maia L9 Master Book"]
[Round "9"]
[White "TheKing 30s/move"]
[Black "MaiaL9"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B00"]

1.e4 Nc6 2.Nc3 Nf6 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.35/21} ( {Theory prefers} 2...e5 $1 ) ( 2...e5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.01/23} 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.d3 d6 5.Be3 Be7 6.a3 Nd4 7.Nge2 c5 8.Nd5 Nxd5 9.Bxd5 O-O 10.c3 Ne6 11.O-O Qb6 12.b4 Bd7 13.bxc5 ) 3.Nf3 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/23} ( 3.d4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.35/21} 3...e6 4.a3 d6 5.Be2 Be7 6.Nf3 O-O 7.O-O d5 8.e5 Ne4 9.Qd3 Nxc3 10.Qxc3 Bd7 11.Bd3 a5 12.Bd2 h6 13.Rae1 b6 14.h3 a4 ) 3...d5 4.exd5 Nxd5 5.Bb5 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.02/24} ( 5.d4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.30/23} 5...Bg4 6.Be2 e6 7.O-O Be7 8.Nxd5 Qxd5 9.c3 O-O 10.Re1 a6 11.Bf4 Bd6 12.Be3 b5 13.h3 Bf5 14.c4 bxc4 15.Qa4 Qe4 16.Bxc4 ) 5...Nxc3 6.Bxc6+ bxc6 7.bxc3 Bg4 8.O-O e6 9.h3 Bh5 $1 10.d3 Bd6 $1 11.Be3 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.35/24} ( 11.Rb1 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.11/22} 11...Qc8 12.g4 Bg6 13.Re1 f6 14.c4 O-O 15.Bd2 c5 16.Qe2 Re8 17.Rb3 Qa6 18.a3 Bf7 19.g5 Qc6 20.Qe4 Qxe4 21.Rxe4 e5 22.Rh4 Be6 23.gxf6 ) 11...O-O 12.g4 Bg6 13.Rb1 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.63/22} ( 13.c4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.21/24} 13...c5 14.Bg5 f6 15.Bd2 Rb8 16.Qe2 Qe8 17.a4 Qc6 18.Bc3 Bf4 19.Nh4 Bf7 20.Ng2 Bd6 21.f4 Rfe8 22.Qf3 Qxf3 23.Rxf3 e5 24.fxe5 Bxe5 25.Bxe5 Rxe5 ) 13...f5 14.Qe2 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.59/21} ( 14.c4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.33/22} 14...e5 15.c5 f4 16.cxd6 fxe3 17.fxe3 cxd6 18.Qd2 e4 19.Nd4 Qd7 20.Rf4 Rae8 21.Rbf1 Rxf4 22.Rxf4 exd3 23.cxd3 d5 24.Rf3 c5 25.Nf5 Bxf5 26.Rxf5 Qe6 27.e4 dxe4 28.dxe4 c4 29.e5 Qc6 30.Qf2 c3 ) 14...fxg4 15.Nd4 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -3.00/23} ( 15.hxg4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.41/21} 15...Qf6 16.Nd2 Qxc3 17.Nc4 a6 18.Rb3 Qf6 19.f4 Rab8 20.Qg2 Rb5 21.d4 h5 22.Ne5 hxg4 23.Nd7 Qh4 24.Bf2 Qh6 25.Nxf8 Kxf8 26.Bg3 Qh3 27.Qxh3 ) 15...gxh3 16.Nxe6 Qh4 17.Nxf8 Bh5 $1 18.Ng6 $4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -12.58/26} ( 18.f3 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -2.42/21} 18...Rxf8 19.Bxa7 Qa4 20.Bd4 h2+ 21.Kg2 c5 22.Be5 Bxe5 23.Qxe5 Qxc2+ 24.Kg3 h1=Q 25.Rxh1 Rxf3+ 26.Kh4 Qf2+ 27.Kxh5 Rf5+ 28.Qxf5 Qxf5+ 29.Kh4 Qxd3 30.Rbc1 Qc4+ 31.Kg3 Qxa2 32.Rcf1 Qe6 33.Rf3 g5 34.Kf2 Qe5 35.Re1 Qh2+ 36.Kf1 h5 37.Re8+ Kg7 ) 18...hxg6 19.f3 Qg3+ 20.Kh1 Rf8 21.Bxa7 Bxf3+ $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -4.17/25} ( 21...Kh7 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -14.33/24} 22.Be3 Rxf3 23.Rg1 Rxe3 24.Rxg3 Rxg3 25.Qe4 Bf3+ 26.Qxf3 Rxf3 27.c4 Rf2 28.c5 Bf4 29.c3 Rh2+ 30.Kg1 Rxa2 31.Rf1 g5 32.Kh1 Rh2+ 33.Kg1 Rg2+ 34.Kh1 Ra2 35.d4 Rh2+ 36.Kg1 Rg2+ 37.Kh1 Ra2 38.d5 cxd5 39.c6 Kg6 40.Kg1 Ra3 41.Kh1 Rxc3 42.Kg1 Kf5 43.Ra1 g4 44.Kh1 Rxc6 45.Rg1 g3 46.Re1 ) 22.Rxf3 $1 Rxf3 23.Rg1 Qf4 24.Qe8+ Qf8 25.Qxf8+ Kxf8 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.17/22} ( 25...Rxf8 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -3.89/21} 26.a4 c5 27.d4 Rf2 28.Re1 Bg3 29.Rb1 Rh2+ 30.Kg1 Rg2+ 31.Kh1 g5 32.Bxc5 Rh2+ 33.Kg1 Rxc2 34.a5 Ra2 35.Bb4 g4 36.Rf1 g5 37.Kh1 Bf4 38.Kg1 ) 26.a4 c5 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.52/23} ( 26...g5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.27/23} 27.a5 g4 28.Rxg4 h2 29.Rh4 Rf1+ 30.Kg2 Ra1 31.Be3 Kf7 32.Bf4 g5 33.Bxd6 gxh4 34.Bxh2 Rxa5 35.Bxc7 Ra2 36.Kh3 Ke6 37.Kxh4 Rxc2 38.Ba5 Kd5 39.d4 Kc4 40.Kh3 Rc1 41.Bb4 Rg1 42.Kh4 ) 27.a5 Rf2 28.Ra1 $1 Rxc2 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/29} ( 28...g5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.44/20} 29.Bb8 g4 30.a6 g3 31.Bxc7 Bxc7 32.a7 g2+ 33.Kg1 Re2 34.a8=Q+ Ke7 35.Qh8 h2+ 36.Qxh2 Bxh2+ 37.Kxh2 Rxc2 38.c4 Kd6 39.Ra7 Ke5 40.Rxg7 Kf4 41.Rg6 Rd2 42.Rg8 Rxd3 43.Kxg2 Rc3 44.Kf2 Rxc4 45.Ke2 Rd4 46.Rc8 ) 29.a6 Rh2+ 30.Kg1 Rg2+ 31.Kh1 Rh2+ 32.Kg1 Rg2+ 33.Kh1 Rh2+ {White loses 0.3 pawn per move (1 blunder, 1 mistake, 5 inaccuracies), Black loses 0.21 pawn per move (2 mistakes, 3 inaccuracies).} 1/2-1/2

Here we are at the penultimate game with TheKing playing with the white pieces. The King Pawn Nimzowitsch Defence was played.
In the following position Maia had just taken White’s pawn on g4 with 14…fxg4:

TheKing is not in a very good position, his King is somewhat exposed and under threat of more exposure! His pieces are not very active which seems unlike his normal style of play! However, he seems unperturbed by Maia’s attack and shows little concern for the Black Pawn on g4 and played 15.Nd4? Why not take the Pawn!? Meanwhile, Maia carried on with the attack 15…gxh3 and now White is in real trouble! Play continued 16.Nxe6:

So this is why TheKing did not worry about taking the pawn before, but I think this is a case of too much pruning in the search tree as we shall see from the moves that followed. 16…Qh4 17.Nxf8 wins the Rook but this is not looking good for White. 17…Bh5! Very good, attacking White’s Queen but also adding another piece to the King onslaught:

18.Ng6?? TheKing blunders a piece!? What was it thinking or not thinking? 18…hxg6 Maia seizes the gift. 19.f3 which is what TheKing should have played instead of blundering the Knight. 19…Qg3+ How can White escape this? 20.Kh1 the only sensible option. 21…Rf8 another of Maia’s pieces swings into action:

This is looking good for Maia but it’s not simple, requiring a deep search to find the winning path, something beyond the limited search of these machines and myself come to that! In the end the best Maia could achieve was a draw. DH15 has TheKing making 1 blunder, 1 mistake and 5 inaccuracies while Maia had just 2 mistakes and 3 inaccuracies. An interesting and curious game that I thought Maia was going to win. On the other hand, I think TheKing played very badly and deserved to lose but still managed to survive with a three-fold draw. Maia’s inability to win the game is easily explained by the fact that a much deeper search was required to understand the nuisances of the position.

Current Score 7 ½ - 1 ½ to TheKing
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Alt 07.04.2024, 14:30
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Mephisto Lyon
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Re: TheKing v Chessnut Evo Maia Level 9

Game 10/10
[Event "TheKing V Evo Maia L9 Master Book"]
[Round "10"]
[White "MaiaL9"]
[Black "TheKing 30s/move"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C28"]

1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Bc4 Nc6 4.d3 Bb4 5.Ne2 d5 6.exd5 Nxd5 7.O-O Be6 8.Nxd5 Bxd5 9.Bxd5 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.31/25} ( 9.a3 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.02/22} 9...Be7 10.Be3 Bxc4 11.dxc4 Qd6 12.Qxd6 Bxd6 13.c5 Be7 14.Rad1 f5 15.f4 e4 16.Nc3 a6 17.Nd5 O-O-O 18.c4 Rd7 19.Kf2 Rhd8 20.Ke2 Bf6 21.Nxf6 Rxd1 22.Rxd1 Rxd1 23.Kxd1 gxf6 24.b4 a5 ) 9...Qxd5 10.a3 Be7 11.Nc3 Qd7 12.f4 $1 Bc5+ 13.Kh1 O-O $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.17/24} ( 13...O-O-O {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.15/22} 14.f5 f6 15.Ne4 Bb6 16.Bd2 Kb8 17.Bc3 h5 18.Rb1 a6 19.h3 Ne7 20.Qf3 h4 21.Rbc1 Bd4 22.Qg4 Be3 23.Bd2 Bxd2 24.Nxd2 Nd5 25.c4 ) 14.f5 f6 15.Qg4 Nd4 16.Be3 Bb6 17.Rac1 Rad8 18.Ne4 Rf7 19.Bf2 a6 20.c3 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.28/26} ( 20.Bxd4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/22} 20...Bxd4 21.c3 Ba7 22.Rcd1 c5 23.Qe2 Qc6 24.c4 Rfd7 25.b3 Rd4 26.Rf3 b5 27.Re3 Qd7 28.Qh5 Bb6 29.Rh3 Rxe4 30.Qxh7+ Kf8 31.Qh8+ Kf7 32.Qh5+ Kf8 33.Qh8+ ) 20...Nb3 21.Rcd1 Qb5 22.Bh4 Qc6 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/23} ( 22...Rdf8 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.31/23} 23.Rfe1 Kh8 24.Qh5 Nc5 25.Nxc5 Qxc5 26.Qf3 Qb5 27.b4 c6 28.d4 exd4 29.cxd4 Rd7 30.Qe4 Qd5 31.Bf2 Qxe4 32.Rxe4 Rfd8 33.g4 Kg8 34.Kg1 a5 35.Kg2 axb4 ) 23.Nxf6+ Rxf6 24.Bxf6 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.78/24} ( 24.Rfe1 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.27/24} 24...Rdf8 25.Bxf6 Qxf6 26.Qc4+ Qf7 27.Qxf7+ Rxf7 28.Rxe5 Rd7 29.g4 c6 30.d4 Bd8 31.Kg2 Kf7 32.Re4 Na5 33.Kf3 Nc4 34.Re2 Bf6 35.Rde1 Bh4 36.Rh1 Re7 37.Rb1 Bg5 38.Rxe7+ Bxe7 39.Ke2 Bg5 40.Kd3 Ne3 41.h3 Nd5 42.Kc4 Nf4 43.Kc5 Nxh3 ) 24...Qxf6 25.Qc4+ Qf7 26.Qg4 Kh8 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.16/26} ( 26...c6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.75/23} 27.f6 g6 28.Rfe1 Rf8 29.Rxe5 Qxf6 30.Ree1 Bd8 31.Qe2 Qf2 32.Qxf2 Rxf2 33.Kg1 Rf8 34.Re2 Nc5 35.d4 Nd7 36.Rf1 Nb6 37.Rxf8+ Kxf8 38.Kf2 Nc4 39.Kf3 Kf7 40.g3 ) 27.Qe4 $1 Nc5 28.Qe2 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.32/24} ( 28.Qxe5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/24} 28...Nxd3 29.Qe2 Nf2+ 30.Rxf2 Rxd1+ 31.Qxd1 Bxf2 32.Qd8+ Qg8 33.Qe7 Bb6 34.f6 gxf6 35.Qxf6+ Qg7 36.Qd8+ Qg8 37.Qf6+ ) 28...Nd7 29.Rde1 c6 30.g4 Kg8 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.00/20} ( 30...h6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.30/22} 31.h4 Qf6 32.g5 hxg5 33.Qh5+ Qh6 34.Qxg5 Kh7 35.Kg2 Nf6 36.Rf3 Bc7 37.Kf2 Rd5 38.Qxh6+ Kxh6 39.Rg3 Rd7 40.Kg2 Kh5 41.Kh3 ) 31.Qf3 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.92/21} ( 31.g5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.00/20} 31...Qd5+ 32.Rf3 Rf8 33.Rf1 Bd8 34.c4 Qd4 35.Rg3 g6 36.f6 Nc5 37.b4 Ne6 38.c5 Bc7 39.Qe4 Qd5 40.Qxd5 cxd5 41.h4 ) 31...Qb3 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.89/22} ( 31...h6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.92/21} 32.Re4 Qa2 33.Qe2 Qd5 34.Rf3 Bc7 35.c4 Qd6 36.Qg2 Nc5 37.Ree3 Qd4 38.Qe2 Qxg4 39.f6 Rd7 40.b4 Ne6 41.fxg7 Rxg7 42.Qf1 Qg5 43.c5 Nf4 44.Rg3 Qh4 ) 32.Re2 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.50/22} ( 32.g5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.89/22} 32...Rf8 33.Re2 Qd5 34.h4 Bd8 35.Qxd5+ cxd5 36.c4 h6 37.gxh6 gxh6 38.cxd5 Bxh4 39.Rc1 Bd8 40.Rh2 Kg7 41.Rc8 a5 42.d6 Kf6 43.Kg2 Kxf5 44.Rxh6 Bg5 ) 32...Bc7 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.18/23} ( 32...h6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.50/22} 33.h4 Qd5 34.g5 Kf7 35.Qe4 Bc7 36.b4 Nb6 37.Rf3 Qxe4 38.dxe4 Rd1+ 39.Kh2 Bd8 40.Rg2 hxg5 41.hxg5 Nc4 42.Rgg3 Nxa3 43.Rd3 Rxd3 44.g6+ Kf6 45.Rxd3 Be7 46.Kh3 ) 33.g5 Nc5 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.81/21} ( 33...Qd5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.32/22} 34.Qxd5+ cxd5 35.d4 e4 36.c4 h6 37.h4 Kf7 38.Kg2 Rh8 39.Rh1 Nb6 40.cxd5 Nxd5 41.Rxe4 hxg5 42.hxg5 Nf4+ 43.Kg1 Nh3+ 44.Kg2 Nxg5 45.Rxh8 Nxe4 46.Kf3 Nd6 47.Kf4 Kf6 48.Rf8+ Ke7 49.Ra8 Bb6 50.Ke5 Nb5 51.d5 Bd4+ 52.Ke4 Bxb2 ) 34.f6 $4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -3.96/23} ( 34.d4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.81/21} 34...Nd7 35.f6 Rf8 36.Qg2 Qf7 37.dxe5 Nxe5 38.Ref2 Rd8 39.fxg7 Qc4 40.Rf4 Qd5 41.Qxd5+ Rxd5 42.Rb4 Rb5 43.Rxb5 axb5 44.Rf8+ Kxg7 45.Re8 Kf7 46.Rc8 Bd6 47.Rd8 Be7 48.Rb8 Nc4 49.Rxb7 Nxb2 50.Ra7 ) 34...Nxd3 35.f7+ $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -5.02/25} ( 35.Rd2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -3.78/23} 35...Qd5 36.Qxd5+ Rxd5 37.h4 Nf4 38.Rxd5 cxd5 39.fxg7 e4 40.Kg1 Be5 41.h5 Kxg7 42.a4 d4 43.cxd4 Bxd4+ 44.Kh2 Nxh5 45.Re1 e3 46.Kg2 Nf4+ 47.Kf3 Ne6 48.Rxe3 Bxe3 49.Kxe3 a5 50.g6 hxg6 51.b3 ) 35...Kf8 36.g6 hxg6 37.Re4 Qxb2 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.75/20} ( 37...Nf4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -7.96/23} 38.Re3 Rd2 39.Qe4 Qxb2 40.Qb4+ Qxb4 41.axb4 Kxf7 42.c4 Rd4 43.b5 axb5 44.cxb5 cxb5 45.Ra3 Bb6 46.Rb3 b4 47.h3 Ke6 48.Kh2 Bc5 49.Kg3 Kf5 50.Kf3 Nxh3 51.Ke3+ Nf4 ) 38.Rh4 $4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -10.15/22} ( 38.Qxd3 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.75/20} 38...Qxh2+ 39.Kxh2 Rxd3 40.Rb4 b5 41.Rh4 e4+ 42.Kh1 Rf3 43.Rd1 Rxf7 44.Rxe4 Re7 45.Rg4 Re6 46.Rd7 Be5 47.c4 Re7 48.Rxe7 Kxe7 49.cxb5 axb5 50.a4 bxa4 51.Rxa4 c5 52.Kg2 Kd6 53.Kf3 Kd5 54.Rg4 c4 55.Rxg6 c3 ) 38...Nf4 39.Rh8+ Kxf7 40.Rh4 Qxa3 41.Rg4 Qb3 42.Rfg1 Qd5 43.Qxd5+ cxd5 44.h4 Rh8 45.Kh2 Bd8 46.Kg3 Ne2+ 47.Kf2 Nxg1 48.Kxg1 Rxh4 49.Rg2 Bb6+ 50.Kf1 Rf4+ 51.Ke2 Rf2+ $1 52.Rxf2+ Bxf2 53.Kxf2 Ke6 $1 54.Ke3 Kf5 $1 55.Kf3 b5 $1 56.Ke3 g5 $1 57.Kf3 g4+ 58.Kg3 e4 $1 59.Kf2 Kf4 $1 60.Kg2 e3 $1 {M12 White loses 0.44 pawn per move (2 blunders, 1 mistake, 6 inaccuracies), Black loses 0.12 pawn per move (2 mistakes, 6 inaccuracies).} 0-1

Here we are with the final game in the match. In this game the Vienna opening was played and according to HIARCS Chess Explorer and DH15.3 Maia made 2 blunders, 1 mistake and 6 inaccuracies whilst TheKing managed just 2 mistakes and 6 inaccuracies. It’s obvious which engine played better!

Maia’s first blunder came in the following position where TheKing had just played 33…Nc5:

Here, Black may have a slight advantage with more active pieces. Maia’s blunder was with the move 34.f6?? Not concerned with its pawn on d3. On the face of it, Maia’s pawn advance might look promising considering the pawn is backed up by Maia’s Queen and Rook. However, play continued with 34…Nxd3 accepting the pawn offering. 35.f7+?! Maia likes checking. But Black’s reply 35…Kf8 and now White must protect the pawn that is under threat by Black’s Queen on b3. 36.g6 hxg6 another pawn down! 37.Re4 Qxb2? TheKing makes a poor move. Better was Nf4 blocking off White’s Queen. Here is the position so far:

Play continued 38.Rh4?? Maia’s second blunder. It’s no doubt planning Rh8+ 38…Nf4 an now TheKing sees the Knight move to block off the Queen. 39.Rh8+ Kxf7 40.Rh4 Back to where it was just now but another Pawn down. 40…Qxa3 Pawn grabbing by TheKing 41.Rg4 Qb3 41.Rfg1 hoping to take the Pawn on g6 but 42…Qd5 forcing an exchange of Queens. Now Black has the winning endgame! Not straight forward to see for Maia with it’s limited search depth and again evidence in my opinion where TheKing’s greater ply search in endgames is better than the Neural data that Maia has.

Final score 8 ½ - 1 ½ to TheKing.
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Folgende 3 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Ray für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Egbert (07.04.2024), Mapi (07.04.2024), Tibono (07.04.2024)

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