Re: AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!
If anyone has a chess computer that is not yet emulated, you can comment here. If we check that its hardware design allows the dump of the ROM, you can send it to me so that I can reverse engineer it, do the romdumping, etc. in order to emulate it. Shipping costs can be shared: I will pay for the shipment of the chess computer back to its owner. Best, Gerardo |
Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!
Relatively easy to dump roms (no singlechip SH1, H8, HD6301, ...)
List is not complete. Not including rare TM ones. chesscomputers: Chess King: - Philidor Conchess: - Plymate (original) - Princhess CXG: - Chess 3000 - Sphinx 40/50 Plus - Sphinx Galaxy Fidelity: - CC7 1st version CN19064N - EAG V1 - EAG V6 - EAG V8 - Gambit Voice - Little Chesster H+G Mephisto: - Monte Carlo IV original (not LE) - Portorose 16bit 1.03/1.04 - Roma 2 - Montreal 68000 Milton Bradley: - Milton Novag: - Robot Adversary Tasc: - R40 VEB Erfurt: - Chessmaster (2-rom set) missing one rom dump - SC-1 modules: ACI Great Game Machine/Modular Game System: - Gruenfeld Edition - Master Chess Openings - Monitor Edition - Master Kriegspiel - Borchek Edition - Master Checkers - Odin Edition - Master Reversi - Las Vegas 21 ARB: - GMS 3 - GMS 3.5 Conchess: - Victoria book module Fidelity generic: - encyclopedia - CG64: 64 Greatest Games - TDF: Tarrasch Defense Fidelity SC6: - BO6: Book Openings I - CG6: Greatest Chess Games 1 Fidelity Mini Sensory: - CGG: Challenger Greatest Games Intellect-02: - Kalah - any others? Mephisto Mondial: - MM 1000 SciSys Sensor Chess: - Hyper Modern Super Strong Geändert von hap (04.06.2022 um 16:32 Uhr) |
Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!
Hey, I think I have a motherboard from this chess computer in the spare parts material. I'll get right on it and see if I can dump the ROMs.
![]() Best. Gerardo Edit: Sorry, it's "10-rom set" version. Perhaps we had already commented on this and I had forgotten. :/ Edit.2: Although this is not a chess computer, because of its similarity I can think of no better place than here to comment on it: we also need the Novag Gomoku romdump. The driver is already done. ![]() Geändert von berger (05.06.2022 um 09:05 Uhr) |
Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!
Mephisto Monte Carlo IV ist emuliert.
The chess engine is 1:1 identical to the Limited Edition, it just runs at normal CPU speed. |
AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!
"Leicht modifiziertes Programm findet sich im doppelt so schnell getaktetem Mephisto Monte Carlo IV LE wieder" präzisiert werden. Gruß Hans-Jürgen |
Folgender Benutzer sagt Danke zu CC 7 für den nützlichen Beitrag: | ||
kamoj (06.06.2022) |
AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!
AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!
Vielen Dank Franz
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!
today I've discovered a very strange problem with the Saitek Analyst/Maestro: On request I tried to add 12 MHz to the CPU frequency menu, because such a tuned version really existed. Now this 12 MHz setting doesn't work like all the others settings: If the Analyst starts with any other frequency (e.g. 6/8/10/16/18 MHz), and I switch to 12 MHz manually (either via Tab menu or in Options > Configuration), then it's working fine. But if I close the Analyst engine (with 12 MHz, which is of course stored in the cfg file), and later start it again, then the Renaissance board hangs: it first seems to start correctly (LEDs, board LCD), but then the extra Analyst LCD becomes blank and the Renaissance is 'dead' - no reaction to any keys or board squares. Only if I change the frequency to any other value, and then back again to 12 MHz, then the board (and the module) is working again! Do you have any idea, what might be the reason for this problem (happening only with 12 Mhz!), and if or how it could be solved? Regards, Franz |
AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!
Hallo Franz,
ich muss dich nochmal mit einer Frage nerven. Ist es möglich in Mess Chess die gestarteten Emulationen automatisch auf die Startleiste zu minimieren? Ich habe festgestellt, dass dadurch die Belastung des Prozessors erheblich reduziert wird. viele Grüße Markus |
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Info: Mephisto Emulator für den Mac fertig | RolandLangfeld | Die ganze Welt der Schachcomputer / World of chess computers | 3 | 09.09.2007 22:56 |