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Alt 25.04.2021, 13:37
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Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

I updated some of the Mephisto drivers recently too. For example, the difference between old and newer driver versions of smondial2 is pretty noticeable: beeper doesn't sound like a harmonica anymore, and leds are now tri-color instead of all red.
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Alt 25.04.2021, 14:56
fhub fhub ist offline
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AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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I updated some of the Mephisto drivers recently too.
Some? LOL, I'd rather say you've changed and rearranged almost all Mephisto drivers, splitting many of them into new drivers, changed lots of layouts, renamed I/O ports or LEDs etc. ...
I've seen all your changes and collected all websites from and I have now more than 30 pages from the last 2 weeks!

But all those changes (except the new Risc2500 and TascR30 drivers) didn't (and will not) make it into my CB-Emu package for several reasons:
Some of your changes are no longer compatible with MAME 0.220, i.e. they won't compile anymore without substantial modifications, and that would be an immense work (if possible at all).
And the other way would be to switch to the current MAME 0.230, but this would also mean that I had to implement again all my own changes and improvements into these new driver versions - a huge task too.

So I've now made a new MessUI version based on MAME 0.230 (after I managed to get the new GCC compiler version working, which is needed for 0.230), and this new version contains the current state of all MAME chess drivers (including all your last changes).
But this new version is independent of CB-Emu, i.e. it's a standalone program and can't be used in CB-Emu as MessExtra/MessChess, because lots of things won't work anymore (artworks, plugins, ...).
And this new MessUI will be the only version that I'll update regularly (whenever you make any further changes).
The CB-Emu project itself has now really come to an end - I'll only update it again when new ROM versions or new devices appear, and if I'm able to implement them in my MAME 0.220 system without having to completely change lots of my sources and taking the risk that many things won't work correctly anymore.

Geändert von fhub (25.04.2021 um 15:03 Uhr)
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Alt 25.04.2021, 17:21
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Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

I agree that it would be a lot of work to copy all those changes over to CB-Emu. To be honest, I only have MAME's evolution on my mind when doing driver updates. There is no 'oh, I should make it easy for Franz to copy it'. But, at the other end, there is no 'I should make it difficult for Franz to copy' either.
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Alt 27.04.2021, 15:25
hap hap ist offline
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Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

LC 80 (export version mit Schachcomputer SC-80 program) ist jetzt spielbar.
mehr info:

Since SC 2 was a copy of Fidelity CC10C, I checked if this program has similarities with any of Fidelity's Z80 chesscomputers. But I didn't find any. I do expect that this one is copied from an existing chess engine though, maybe from a homecomputer program?

Or, small chance it's a DDR original chess engine. But, not sure why would they do that when it's not against the law to simply take an existing one.

*edit* I think it's the same one as in chessmst.

Geändert von hap (30.04.2021 um 12:58 Uhr)
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Agep (27.04.2021), fhub (28.04.2021), mclane (27.04.2021)
Alt 01.05.2021, 12:48
hap hap ist offline
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Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

1) Remember that "SC1" that turned out to be a different version of SLC1? It's actually a modification of Poly-Computer 880. So I moved it over to the poly880.cpp driver.

2) There were some changes to MAME's lua core a few months ago, making Sandro's mame-chessengine plugin incompatible. He updated it yesterday (also includes compatibility with my MAME chess driver overhauls of lasth month):

3) This forum thread passed 1,000,000 views!
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berger (01.05.2021), fhub (01.05.2021), Mythbuster (01.05.2021), Plextor (01.05.2021)
Alt 01.05.2021, 16:00
fhub fhub ist offline
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AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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1) Remember that "SC1" that turned out to be a different version of SLC1? It's actually a modification of Poly-Computer 880. So I moved it over to the poly880.cpp driver.
Is there still any problem with the sound in poly880/poly880s?
I see that you've entered sound hardware (SPEAKER) in your driver, but I don't get any beeps in both versions.
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Alt 01.05.2021, 16:45
hap hap ist offline
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Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

It's not my driver. I checked the schematics now, and it does not have sound.
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fhub (01.05.2021)
Alt 01.05.2021, 22:03
fhub fhub ist offline
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Ok, so sehen diese beiden neuen Schachemulationen in CB-Emu aus (ist übrigens schon bereit zum Download) ...
Miniaturansicht angehängter Grafiken
Klicke auf die Grafik für eine größere Ansicht

Name:	sc80.jpg
Hits:	109
Größe:	71,7 KB
ID:	4942   Klicke auf die Grafik für eine größere Ansicht

Name:	sc880.jpg
Hits:	113
Größe:	97,6 KB
ID:	4943  
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Folgende 3 Benutzer sagen Danke zu fhub für den nützlichen Beitrag:
jerazi (01.05.2021), Mark 1 (01.05.2021), Robert (03.05.2021)
Alt 01.05.2021, 22:27
hap hap ist offline
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Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Looks like the keypads from Jens Mueller's JKCEMU

This SC1 program, I don't think it's by VEB Polytechnik. And there is no "Schachcomputer SC-880". It must be by a fanatic Poly-Computer 880 user, I assume Dr.Scheuschner, since it's similar to SLC1.

He has a website btw:
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Alt 01.05.2021, 23:24
fhub fhub ist offline
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AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Looks like the keypads from Jens Mueller's JKCEMU
Yes, but that's how the keypad of the Poly-Computer 880 looks like, and you moved this previous SLC1 prototype program to this poly880 driver, because it seemed to actually be written for this hardware. So what's wrong in using this keypad for it?
And there is no "Schachcomputer SC-880".
Sorry, but I have to disagree - there is such a model ...... it's in CB-Emu!
It must be by a fanatic Poly-Computer 880 user, I assume Dr.Scheuschner, since it's similar to SLC1.
Well, we had this program already as slc1a (even with this author), and it was working there, so I didn't really understand why suddenly changing the name and the driver.
And from where do you assume that it was called SC1? I've found no such infos about this program, only because someone called the romdump 'sc1.rom' doesn't mean, that the program was called SC1.
For me it sounds more logical to call it SC-880, because is was a (chess) ROM for the Poly-880 (the same as for the SC-80 running in a LC-80).
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