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Alt 18.07.2020, 13:41
hap hap ist offline
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Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

U.K. version of Intelligent Chess does exist, but I think the German version is more common.

mclane over here has a copy of the English manual, maybe he can confirm the button labels? The 2 I'm unsure of are "Record" and "Reset".

There's a low resolution photo of the English version box here:[G-0101]%20SciSys%20-%20Intelligent%20Chess.pdf

And there are a few magazine articles reviewing the English version.
I fixed cassette save/load by the way.

"im Gegensatz zu fast allen anderen Geräten verträgt dieses Modell nur sehr kurze Tastenklicks, andernfalls setzt sofort seine Tasten-Wiederholfunktion ein, was häufig zu Fehlern führt!" <-- this is also fixed

Micro Chess: There is a French manual on Zanchetta's site.
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Alt 18.07.2020, 14:32
fhub fhub ist gerade online
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I fixed cassette save/load by the way.
And where's the virtual cassette recorder?
"im Gegensatz zu fast allen anderen Geräten verträgt dieses Modell nur sehr kurze Tastenklicks, andernfalls setzt sofort seine Tasten-Wiederholfunktion ein, was häufig zu Fehlern führt!" <-- this is also fixed
Hmm? At least not in the current version on github (from last night).
E.g. if you want to enter the move e2e4 and press the E-key on the keyboard (or click with the mouse on it) a bit longer (1/2 second or more), then when releasing the key again a 2nd signal is produced and the device reacts with ???? in the display.
So it seems that also releasing the key sends any signal to the device, if the time between press and release is too long.
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Alt 18.07.2020, 15:04
hap hap ist offline
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Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Right, and it was fixed in this commit:

I don't know where tape control is on MESSUI, but on standard MAME it's in the Tab menu under "Tape Control". And you can create an empty tape under "File Manager"
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Alt 18.07.2020, 15:22
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AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Right, and it was fixed in this commit:
Ok, my fault, I've overlooked that intchess uses mm74c922, so I didn't download the update for this driver.
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Alt 18.07.2020, 15:26
hap hap ist offline
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Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

I expect to make another update later today (including a small fix to this device again)
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Alt 18.07.2020, 17:09
hap hap ist offline
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Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Chess Companion ist emuliert, danke Berger & Achim.
(BTW: nicht 256 bytes, es hat 1KB RAM)

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Alt 19.07.2020, 02:45
Hartmut Hartmut ist offline
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Wow, das geht ja im Moment Schlag auf Schlag. Naja... dank Corona ist die Unternehmungslust ja sowieso im Keller. Warum also nicht wieder etwas mehr Schach spielen, lach...
Mein Profil beim ICCF (International Correspondence Chess Federation)
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Alt 19.07.2020, 10:38
fhub fhub ist gerade online
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Hi hap,

I have an important question about your yesterdays 6502 bugfix:

When I compared the new 6502.c/h with my old version (from MAME 0.220) I saw, that there have been made massive changes again in many files in cpu/m6502 in the last weeks (probably similar emulation improvements as for the 68000).
Since I can't simply use all those new files (they are not working in 0.220 anymore) and of course I don't want to switch again to a completely new MAME version after only 2 months, I've changed ONLY the few lines (with nmi_pending and irq_taken) in my old m6502.c/h, which you have committed yesterday.

Well, compilation worked without any errors, but many files from cpu/m6502 were recompiled and of course also all devices which use any CPU of this 6502 family.

But now my question: was this ok that I only updated these few lines in my old m6502.c/h which you've committed yesterday, or could this have any negative side effects for other chess devices using a CPU of this 6502 family?

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Alt 19.07.2020, 12:57
hap hap ist offline
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Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

I don't think there will be any problems.
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fhub (19.07.2020)
Alt 20.07.2020, 11:02
fhub fhub ist gerade online
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!


der Chess Companion ist jetzt auch enthalten, und das Tastatur-Problem beim Intelligent Chess hat sich auch erledigt.

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Folgende 11 Benutzer sagen Danke zu fhub für den nützlichen Beitrag:
achimp (21.07.2020), Agep (20.07.2020), applechess (20.07.2020), Beeco76 (20.07.2020), Boris (20.07.2020), Bryan Whitby (20.07.2020), hap (20.07.2020), Mark 1 (20.07.2020), mclane (20.07.2020), Robert (20.07.2020), Tibono (20.07.2020)

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