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Alt 11.02.2020, 21:32
Tibono Tibono ist offline
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Hi Franz,

Thanks for the update. After unzipping from scratch, 1X runs fine using MessChess.exe and MessExtra.exe; on another hand starting from CB-Emu.exe I get a number of messages looping:

Driver xxx (file winboard.cpp): 1 errors, 0 warnings
Errors: Driver is missing MACHINE_NO_SOUND flag

where xxx loops across a number of devices names (boris, borisa, ...)

then the emulation prompts "No screens attached to the system"
any idea? Other devices I tested run fine.
Thanks and regards,
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fhub (11.02.2020)
Alt 11.02.2020, 22:50
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Hi Eric,

damned, I forgot to add this 'mephisto1x' to one sourcefile which calls Winboard for several devices.

I've already fixed it and uploaded a bugfix (only the CB-Emu.exe) to my download folder.

Thanks for the info,
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germangonzo (13.02.2020), Tibono (12.02.2020)
Alt 12.02.2020, 08:09
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berger berger ist offline
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Re: AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Da dieses Modul in praktisch allen Belangen (Hardware, ROM-Anzahl und Größe, Spielstufen usw.) einem Mephisto II entspricht, habe ich es in CB-Emu auch als 'Mephisto II (1X)' bezeichnet.
Hi Franz,

You're right: From an operational point of view, this is true, these are similar programs. But in my opinion Mephisto 1X deserves a place of honour.

It was released as a Mephisto 1X a few weeks before the Mephisto II, and not as a Mephisto II with a 1x program. This module was mainly sold in France because it had won the Paris tournament, and it is an extremely rare version.

I know it's something symbolic, but I'm sure the collector who helped us incorporate this program would appreciate, in a future update of CB-Emu, a little change like this.

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Bryan Whitby (12.02.2020)
Alt 12.02.2020, 14:27
fhub fhub ist offline
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AW: Re: AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Hi Gerardo!
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You're right: From an operational point of view, this is true, these are similar programs. But in my opinion Mephisto 1X deserves a place of honour.

It was released as a Mephisto 1X a few weeks before the Mephisto II, and not as a Mephisto II with a 1x program. This module was mainly sold in France because it had won the Paris tournament, and it is an extremely rare version.

I know it's something symbolic, but I'm sure the collector who helped us incorporate this program would appreciate, in a future update of CB-Emu, a little change like this.
Well, of course I had a good reason to use the name 'Mephisto II (1X)':
This module Mephisto 1X clearly belongs to the group of the Mephisto I/II/III modules, so I thought it should also appear in CB-Emu's engine list together with the I/II/III engines. Since this engines list is sorted alphabetically, the name 'Mephisto 1X' would be the very first entry in the Mephisto list (before the Academy) far away from its brothers.

But ok, if that's indeed a problem for you (or for the donator of this ROM), I'll change the name again to 'Mephisto 1X' (although I'm really not thrilled with it).

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berger (12.02.2020)
Alt 12.02.2020, 18:50
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I perfectly understand why you have chosen that name, and I think we should leave it that way. Don't change anything, please. Thank you.

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Alt 12.02.2020, 20:01
fhub fhub ist offline
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Hallo Sascha,

da ich inzwischen diese Namensänderung auf 'Mephisto 1X' (wie von Berger vorgeschlagen) schon vorgenommen habe, darfst Du als Mephisto-Experte jetzt Schiedsrichter spielen.

Welche Variante soll ich nun verwenden?
1) Mephisto 1X: eigentlich originaler Name, dann erscheint dieses Modell allerdings als erstes Mephisto-Gerät in der Liste (d.h. nicht innerhalb der gemeinsamen Gruppe von Mephisto I/II/III),
2) Mephisto II (1X): damit gesellt er sich in der Liste zu seinen 'Geschwistern', aber so heißt er eben eigentlich nicht.

Wie gesagt: ich habe inzwischen beide Versionen hier, also mir ist es im Prinzip egal, welche ich nun als nächste Version hochlade.

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Alt 12.02.2020, 21:33
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Hello Franz

Mephito I x

Written like this, with the space between the I and the X, Mephisto I x is sorted in the right order ( This works in Excel )

Mephisto I
Mephisto I x
Mephisto II

Best regards
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fhub (12.02.2020)
Alt 12.02.2020, 21:37
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Hello Frantz

Mephito I x
He is 100% correct.

Ich denke auch dass diese Bezeichnung correct ist. Er erschien unter diesem Namen, wenngleich nur in kleiner Auflage und fast nur in Frankreich. Insofern sollte er auch so heißen, auch wenn er faktisch schon ein "Mephi II Beta" ist.

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fhub (12.02.2020)
Alt 12.02.2020, 22:05
fhub fhub ist offline
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Hi Eric,
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Mephito I x

Written like this, with the space between the I and the X, Mephisto I x is sorted in the right order ( This works in Excel )
yes, this works indeed, but on your website I saw a picture of this module showing '1X', so 'I x' is also not completely correct.

But I guess this may be a good compromise, so I'll change it once more to 'I X" - I hope that's now the last (3rd!) time ...


Geändert von fhub (12.02.2020 um 22:19 Uhr)
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Mythbuster (12.02.2020)
Alt 16.02.2020, 11:53
voelkx voelkx ist offline
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Hallo Franz,

ich habe eine ganz nebensächliche Frage.
Warum steht eigentlich bei der TM Berlin "Vancouver" im Display?

Gruß Volker
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