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Alt 14.01.2019, 15:48
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Well, not easy to answer without knowing WHAT is not working!?
I guess the CB-Emu GUI itself is still starting and showing the list of the modules, and you only get a problem when starting any device, right?

And what's the problem then? Do you get any (Windows) error message, or just a black screen without showing the selected chess computer?
Or is it any other problem?

Nail on the head! I get a black screen without the computer. But it IS there because when I click on the screen I get beeps! Is that any help for you identifying the problem?

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Alt 14.01.2019, 17:18
fhub fhub ist offline
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Nail on the head! I get a black screen without the computer. But it IS there because when I click on the screen I get beeps! Is that any help for you identifying the problem?
Well, I could imagine what the problem is - try the following:
1) start CB-Emu
2) right-click on any engine in the list and select 'Properties' in the popup menu
3) now open the tab 'Display': under 'Videomode' on the right side there is 'Auto' predefined, and I guess your Windows doesn't automatically select the correct video mode for your netbook
4) so try all 4 modes in this video submenu, i.e. select a mode, click 'Ok' to exit, and then start this module.

If any of these 4 modes is working for you, then let me know and I'll give you instructions how to change this automatically for ALL modules (else you would have to use the same procedure for each of them).

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Alt 14.01.2019, 17:47
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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If any of these 4 modes is working for you, then let me know and I'll give you instructions how to change this automatically for ALL modules (else you would have to use the same procedure for each of them).
Tried out all functions, and OpenGL works perfectly. Thank YOU!!

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Alt 14.01.2019, 17:55
fhub fhub ist offline
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Tried out all functions, and OpenGL works perfectly. Thank YOU!!
Ok, I've attached a ZIP-file where I've changed all INI-files to this OpenGL video mode - just unzip it to your CB-Emu folder and overwrite all files.

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Alt 14.01.2019, 21:30
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Ok, I've attached a ZIP-file where I've changed all INI-files to this OpenGL video mode - just unzip it to your CB-Emu folder and overwrite all files.

Hallo Franz
Und schon hast Du wieder einen sehr zufriedenen Kunden mehr. Deine
grosse Arbeit müsste gesponsert werden OK, würde dann vielleicht
nicht mehr so viel Spass machen wie eine allsamt hoch geschätzte
freiwillige Leistung.
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Alt 14.01.2019, 22:49
fhub fhub ist offline
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Und schon hast Du wieder einen sehr zufriedenen Kunden mehr. Deine
grosse Arbeit müsste gesponsert werden
Aber das war doch eine Kleinigkeit, keine 2 Minuten Arbeit mit 'grepWin' zum Ersetzen dieser Option in allen ini-Dateien -
ihm hier zu beschreiben, wie er das unter CB-Emu machen müßte, hätte wesentlich länger gedauert.

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Alt 14.01.2019, 23:15
Benutzerbild von hyppyp
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Aber das war doch eine Kleinigkeit, keine 2 Minuten Arbeit mit 'grepWin' zum Ersetzen dieser Option in allen ini-Dateien -
ihm hier zu beschreiben, wie er das unter CB-Emu machen müßte, hätte wesentlich länger gedauert.
Awesome! Playing the Conny on my EEEPC now. You are DA man!

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Alt 15.01.2019, 09:11
Benutzerbild von Robert
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Tried out all functions, and OpenGL works perfectly. Thank YOU!!
I just was curious, because i remembered, that i had CB-EMU working on my EeePC 1000h (2 GB RAM, 128 GB SSD, Win 7, now Win10) and i found that GDI is working too (didn't try the other options)

But the N270 Atom CPU was too slow for most of the emulations (IIRC 6502 with 6 MHz was the limit, everything with faster CPUs had slow running clocks), so i removed it some years ago.

At least i can confirm, that it is working with Win 10 on the EeePC!

best regards

Geändert von Robert (15.01.2019 um 09:17 Uhr)
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Alt 15.01.2019, 09:36
fhub fhub ist offline
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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I just was curious, because i remembered, that i had CB-EMU working on my EeePC 1000h (2 GB RAM, 128 GB SSD, Win 7, now Win10) and i found that GDI is working too (didn't try the other options)
Yes, GDI is the oldest and simplest method and should in fact work on ALL Windows versions and graphic cards (it's also the slowest one, but graphic speed is not needed for a rather static chess board display).
For Direct3D and OpenGL you need special Windows drivers and/or support from the graphic card (I've never heard of BGFX before), on my notebook here (Windows 10 64bit) all 4 options are working.

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Alt 15.01.2019, 16:51
Benutzerbild von Bryan Whitby
Bryan Whitby Bryan Whitby ist offline
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Hello Bryan,

yes, I remember that I've read about this long time ago (IIRC you even posted a picture of your board here).
I don't know anymore, how exactly you've built this communication between CB-Emu and your board (especially without changing the CB-Emu code at all), but I think you used special keycodes (in the cfg-file) for the board fields in CB-Emu, right?

But the thing I would be most curious about, is how you could 'send' the moves (which you make on the external board) to CB-Emu???

Hi Hans

The Teensy USB Development Board that I use and Berger coded for me just emulates a keyboard.

First you have to untick the read only attribute in the Montreux cfg properties (Screenshot 1).

Then you change the Steadykey to zero in the Core Input Option of the Montreux ini file (Screenshot 2).

Now you have to try and work out which square corresponds to the Unamed Key in the Root (Screenshot 3).

First on your keyboard, change all the Named keys (New Game etc) to none.

Then input a1 (Kbd A Kbd 1) into any Unnamed Key then return to machine and press the a1 square on your physical board. What happens then is that although you have programmed the Unnamed Key to the a1 square it probably indicates another square on the PC graphical board.

You now go back into the Root and change the wrong programmed Unnamed Key (a1) to the actual PC board square.

Now you have found your first correct square you continue doing this for all the 64 squares.

Final screenshot of my board working with the Montreux program.

I hope this helps you in understanding how it communicates.


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