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Alt 12.12.2019, 21:30
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AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Second, a small bug report (but probably Im mistaken) about Novag Super Expert A:
1) Tiny bug - in Configuration menu choosing 5-9 MHz works fine, but selecting 10 locks the device;
it's not a bug - the problem is, that 10 MHz are just too fast for the Super Expert A (I guess this oldest ROM version was included anytime later, so I didn't check the 10 MHz speed for it).
BTW, for me 'sexperta' with 10 MHz does not crash or lock the device, but the LCD shows garbage when making a move or displaying times, so it's clear that the "A" version doesn't support 10 MHz (all other version do!).
I've now removed the 10MHz setting from the Super Expert A.
2) Minor, but a bit annoying - right after SExp promotes a queen all pieces becomes unmovable, so the game cant be continued...
Currently this happened twice with settings 9 Mhz and 200% speed-up.
Yep, I can confirm this, but it has nothing to do with the MHz. The problem was a too short delay in my code when checking the board LED on the promotion square - after making it longer the promotion works fine now.

Both problems are fixed now and will be in the next update (but not today).

Thanks for the bug report,
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