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Alt 23.02.2022, 19:16
fhub fhub ist offline
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Hi hap,

your last changes for the Phantom (animating the motor movements) are interesting - much better than the previous version.
They work in MAME 0.230 and 0.238, but when I tried to port them back to 0.220, I got a few error messages about the new layout files (compiling the driver is ok):

1) one type of errors was about the duplicate definitions of bounds for different states:
bounds state="0" ...
bounds state="240" ...
I've tried to solve this by putting it into 2 separate definitions for "disk"
"disk state="0"
"disk state="240"
and with this change the error messages disappeared.
I made similar changes within the "repeat" loop at the end, but I'm not sure if my changes with separate parts
element name="motorx~i~" ref="mpos~i~ state="4"
element name="motorx~i~" ref="mpos~i~ state="136"
are correct there within a "repeat" or if something like this is possible at all!?

2) the other error message was about the token "collection" - it seems that MAME 0.220 doesn't know this feature.
So I've just removed those 2 lines with "collection".

With these changes the compilation worked without any errors, but unfortunately this new red disk doesn't appear on the board, so the motor movements are not visible.

Thus my question: can the layout file be changed, so that this will also work with the older MAME 0.220 which I use in CB-Emu?


Geändert von fhub (23.02.2022 um 19:27 Uhr)
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