eBoards in Arena, Fritz, LucasChess, Shredder
I have released updates of my Arena, Fritz/ChessBase, LucasChess and Shredder drivers for the Certabo, Chessnut, DGT, DGT Pegasus, Millennium (including eOne), Novag Citrine, Novag UCB and Square Off Pro eBoards. I have sent the new version to Lucas so I'm sure he will upload them to his site soon. Run "Check for Updates" in LucasChess and for the other GUIs you can download the Setup program from my web page.
An occasional bug with taking back castling moves was fixed as well as a few other small issues, but mainly I have improved replaying of saved PGN files especially in Fritz and Shredder. I assume the improvement for Fritz will also affect ChessBase but I don't have that software so can't be sure. There is still an issue with adding variations to a saved game in Fritz but this appears to be a bug in Fritz as it behaves inconsistently. ChessBase (the company) provided me with absolutely no help at all in writing my drivers so until I can work out what is going on it's safest to add variations on the screen, although playing through them on the board works fine. https://goneill.co.nz/chess.php |
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Re: AW: eBoards in Arena, Fritz, LucasChess, Shredder
I've submitted the file to Microsoft as a false positive but based on comments on the Microsoft forums about false positives on Wacatac that will have no effect all. Apparently the "!" in the name means that the detection was found by Defender's AI search which means even Microsoft probably don't know why it was detected. One of the downsides of black box neural networks. Were you able to mark the file as safe and install it anyway? |
AW: Re: AW: eBoards in Arena, Fritz, LucasChess, Shredder
I installed setupDGT without any complaints by Windows Security.
I trust you and virustotal, disabled Windows Security for a while and installed setupNUT without problems. |
Re: eBoards in Arena, Fritz, LucasChess, Shredder
A small update to my drivers for boards that have piece recognition (Certabo, Chessnut, DGT, Millennium).
When you pick up both kings to go into Setup position mode you can now rotate the board using the kings. Put one king on the board (perhaps where it should be in the position you want) and then put the other king adjacent to it. The colour of the king nearest you specifies which way around the board is. So if the white king is on e3 you can put the black king on d2, e2 or f2 to specify that the black side plays from nearest you. Because this is an illegal position the driver won't exit Setup mode until you move the black king somewhere else. I've given an example in the ReadMe PDF file for each driver. |
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AW: eBoards in Arena, Fritz, LucasChess, Shredder
habe ein Problem mit den Graham eboard Treibern unter LucasChess. Wollte fragen, ob das jemand bestätigen kann oder ob das nur bei mir so ist. Fritz 19 , Deep Shredder 13 , Arena 3.51 funktionieren wunderbar damit. Aber in LucasChess übernimmt LucasChess die geänderte Stellung nicht vom eboard Treiber nachdem man diese mit Anheben der beiden Könige verändert hat. Direkt von der Startstellung aus geht es. Aber wenn man es ein zweites Mal aufruft, dann übernimmt LucasChess die Stellung vom Treiber nicht. Dieses Verhalten ist unter Windows und unter Linux ( MXLinux , eine debian distro ) gleich. Es geht sowohl mit certabo Brett als auch mit Millennium Brett nicht. Das Verhalten ist gleich. Wollte auch noch fragen, ob es jemand geschafft hat, LucasChess unter ArcoLinux ( eine Arch distro ) zu installieren. Unter debian distros geht es, aber unter ArcoLinux habe ich es nicht geschafft. In verschiednen Foren war das schon Thema, aber nirgens wurde eine Lösung geliefert. Da mein Englisch nur zum Mitlesen reicht, habe ich Graham zu diesem Problem noch nicht angeschrieben und hoffe auf Unterstützung aus diesem Forum. Über eine Antwort würde ich mich sehr freuen. Gruss Rudolf |
Re: eBoards in Arena, Fritz, LucasChess, Shredder
Hi Rudolf,
Sorry, but I can only answer in English! LucasChess is a bit different to the other GUIs. You need to be in the Setup Position screen for it to accept a new position from lifting both kings. For example "Play > Play against an engine > [Initial moves] tab > Start position > Change". You can then enable the board in the top right corner, lift both kings and setup the new position. It then returns to the Initial moves tab with that position set as the starting position. Hope that helps! Graham |
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ruschach (10.04.2024) |
AW: eBoards in Arena, Fritz, LucasChess, Shredder
Hi Graham
thanks for your answer. Sorry, my english is not good. Yes, from the start position it is possible. But in a running game i can not open the "set position" dialog. This is in LucasChess not possible. I have found a workaround. I save the position. Start a new game and load that position in the new game and i can play from this position. But in LucasChess it is not possible to open the "set position" dialog in a running game. Can you ask lukasmonk it is possible to integrate this in LucasChess , please. My other question was , how can i install LucasChess in Arch Linux ( ArcoLinux , a Arch distro ) . In MXLinux ( a debian distro ) all is good. I found a "snap" version that run on ArcoLinux , but it is a old version and i will not use snap. thanks Rudolf |
Re: eBoards in Arena, Fritz, LucasChess, Shredder
Hi Rudolf,
I passed on your message to Lucas. He says he has made a change that he would like you to try, so can you please contact him directly? His email is at the bottom of his web page: http://lucaschess.pythonanywhere.com/ He is also looking into your Linux problem. Thanks, Graham |
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ruschach (14.04.2024) |
Re: eBoards in Arena, Fritz, LucasChess, Shredder
Lucas has released an update to LucasChess that allows you to interrupt a playing game by lifting both kings on the eBoard and then changing the position. This should be helpful when analysing a position (or cheating when the computer is beating you!!).
In testing this I found a bug that could happen when setting up a position with the board rotated, so I have just released an update to my drivers to fix this. The main change, though, is you can now lift both kings on the Millennium eOne, DGT Pegasus, Square Off Pro and Tabutronic boards and setup new positions using the board and screen. There is also a fix to using the DGT board in Arena. |
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