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Alt 11.09.2022, 01:55
Benutzerbild von GONeill
GONeill GONeill ist offline
Saitek Leonardo
Registriert seit: 23.03.2021
Ort: New Zealand
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eBoards in Arena, Fritz, LucasChess, Shredder

I have released updates of my Arena, Fritz/ChessBase, LucasChess and Shredder drivers for the Certabo, Chessnut, DGT, DGT Pegasus, Millennium (including eOne), Novag Citrine, Novag UCB and Square Off Pro eBoards. I have sent the new version to Lucas so I'm sure he will upload them to his site soon. Run "Check for Updates" in LucasChess and for the other GUIs you can download the Setup program from my web page.

An occasional bug with taking back castling moves was fixed as well as a few other small issues, but mainly I have improved replaying of saved PGN files especially in Fritz and Shredder. I assume the improvement for Fritz will also affect ChessBase but I don't have that software so can't be sure. There is still an issue with adding variations to a saved game in Fritz but this appears to be a bug in Fritz as it behaves inconsistently. ChessBase (the company) provided me with absolutely no help at all in writing my drivers so until I can work out what is going on it's safest to add variations on the screen, although playing through them on the board works fine.
Mit Zitat antworten
Folgende 19 Benutzer sagen Danke zu GONeill für den nützlichen Beitrag:
achimp (15.09.2022), applechess (11.09.2022), Chess Monarch (17.09.2022), Chessguru (15.09.2022), chessman68 (14.09.2022), EST (14.12.2023), ferribaci (11.09.2022), Fisherman (12.09.2022), fourthirty (11.09.2022), Ironman (12.09.2022), jerazi (12.09.2022), lars (11.09.2022), Lindwurm (11.09.2022), Mapi (11.09.2022), Norbert (04.08.2024), pawnmover (11.09.2022), RudolfE (11.09.2022), ruschach (09.04.2024), Wolfgang2 (11.09.2022)


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