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Alt 12.09.2005, 00:11
Benutzerbild von Ruud Martin
Ruud Martin Ruud Martin ist offline
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Reden Resurrection Update 2.04 (With four engines!)


Die 2.04 ist versandet. Hoffe alles geht gut. Es ist die version mit 4 engines. Ruffian, Deep Sjeng, Fruit und Toga.

Chess Friends,

The 2.04 is underway. Hope all goes well. It is the version with 4 engines. Ruffian, Deep Sjeng, Fruit und Toga. Greetings/Grusse,
Ruud Martin
Ruud Martin
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Alt 12.09.2005, 03:08
Steveb Steveb ist offline
Mephisto III
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AW: Resurrection Update 2.04 (With four engines!)

The 2.04 is underway. Hope all goes well. It is the version with 4 engines. Ruffian, Deep Sjeng, Fruit und Toga. Greetings/Grusse,
Ruud Martin

Updgrade to 2.03 and 2.04 completed successfully
all Engines are locked and loaded
many new Engine options i see

testing must begin in Earnest

R40 v2.5 Regards
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Alt 13.09.2005, 19:57
Benutzerbild von Chessguru
Chessguru Chessguru ist offline
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AW: Resurrection Update 2.04 (With four engines!)

Hallo Ruud,

klasse Update.

Es wurden nicht nur 3 neue Engines eingebunden, nein es wurden auch einige Wünsche gleich mit erfüllt, vielen Dank. Da haben wir ja mehr als genug zum Testen bzw. Spielen. Bin gespannt, wie sich die neuen Engines so schlagen werden.

Viele Grüße,
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Alt 13.09.2005, 22:19
Benutzerbild von Ruud Martin
Ruud Martin Ruud Martin ist offline
Maker of Phoenix Chess Systems
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AW: Resurrection Update 2.04 (With four engines!)

Es gibt noch probleme mit promovieren und POSITION. am ende diese woche gibt es einem fix darauf.

There are problems with promotion and SETUP BOARD. I will fix this end of this week.

Er zijn problemen met promotie en SETUP BOARD. Einde van de week zijn deze opgelost.

Ruud Martin
Ruud Martin
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Alt 09.10.2005, 16:37
Steveb Steveb ist offline
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AW: Resurrection Update 2.04 (With four engines!)

hi all Resurrection Owners

are any matches of Res 2.05 VS. other schachcomputers in progress??

things are strangely quiet since the release of 2.05

Startled Regards
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Alt 09.10.2005, 17:39
Benutzerbild von Stefan
Stefan Stefan ist offline
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AW: Resurrection Update 2.04 (With four engines!)

 Zitat von Steveb
hi all Resurrection Owners

are any matches of Res 2.05 VS. other schachcomputers in progress??

things are strangely quiet since the release of 2.05

Startled Regards
Hi Steve,

sorry but so far I could not upgrade to 2.05. It is not working on my Resurrection and it looks like that I am the only one! I could only upgrade to 2.04. I am in contact with Rud but so far we did find the solution. So I could not start my planned games against the Genius 68030.

despairing regards
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Alt 09.10.2005, 18:09
Steveb Steveb ist offline
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Unglücklich AW: Resurrection Update 2.04 (With four engines!)

Hi Stefan,

sorry but so far I could not upgrade to 2.05. It is not working on my Resurrection and it looks like that I am the only one! I could only upgrade to 2.04. I am in contact with Rud but so far we did find the solution. So I could not start my planned games against the Genius 68030.

sorry to hear this bad news

you saw that for 2.05 you do NOT use FILE TRANSFER WITH CRASH RECOVERY??

Sad Regards
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Alt 09.10.2005, 18:39
Benutzerbild von Stefan
Stefan Stefan ist offline
Mephisto Wundermaschine
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AW: Resurrection Update 2.04 (With four engines!)

 Zitat von Steveb
Hi Stefan,

sorry but so far I could not upgrade to 2.05. It is not working on my Resurrection and it looks like that I am the only one! I could only upgrade to 2.04. I am in contact with Rud but so far we did find the solution. So I could not start my planned games against the Genius 68030.

sorry to hear this bad news

you saw that for 2.05 you do NOT use FILE TRANSFER WITH CRASH RECOVERY??

Sad Regards

yes I tried almost everything and Ruud sent my in addition a special"special" file. and about 10 minutes ago the problem has been solved, I now have version 2.05 available.

So far I do not know exactly what finally was the solution, 'cause I started all over from 2.03 and Ruud told me that that special file is case sensitive. For what reason ever on my old W98 SE notebook, which I use for establishing the serial connection, the special file stars with a capitol S (Special).

Question: Do I need to switch the computer OFF to activate another program version. For instance if I start with Ruffian a game, the chosse new game and select anothe engine, the computer is not answering. Its only loading the new engine once its switched off one time...

anyway happy regards
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Alt 09.10.2005, 20:30
Steveb Steveb ist offline
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Daumen hoch AW: Resurrection Update 2.04 (With four engines!)


yes I tried almost everything and Ruud sent my in addition a special"special" file. and about 10 minutes ago the problem has been solved, I now have version 2.05 available.


Question: Do I need to switch the computer OFF to activate another program version. For instance if I start with Ruffian a game, the chosse new game and select anothe engine, the computer is not answering. Its only loading the new engine once its switched off one time...

i switch to a new engine and then i press new game
and then i trun off the computer

i dont know if you can switch engines without turning off the computer but i think you must turn off and then on

and now you must begin your games against Genius!!!
i look forward to seeing the results

No Genius here Regards
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Alt 09.10.2005, 22:05
Benutzerbild von Stefan
Stefan Stefan ist offline
Mephisto Wundermaschine
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AW: Resurrection Update 2.04 (With four engines!)

 Zitat von Steveb
i switch to a new engine and then i press new game
and then i trun off the computer

i dont know if you can switch engines without turning off the computer but i think you must turn off and then on


thats exactly how it works up to now, Ruud just told me that the switch of engines during a game is not fully implemented yet. The best option is to switch the machine OFF and then ON.

best regards
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