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AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Hallo Robert,
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Dabei gilt es eins zu beachten: Die Durchschnittsstufen AT funktionieren beim Diamond/Sapphire nicht richtig (nach wenigen Zügen fängt er an, sofort zu antworten) Man muss also die Durchschnittszeit selbst programmieren und zwar, indem man eine beliebige Turnierstufe nimmt, die Anzahl der Züge auf "1" setzt und die gewünschte Zeit programmiert. Für eine Durchschnittszeit von 30 Sekunden sähe das also so aus:


Man kann zwar die AT-Stufen auch programmieren, aber das hilft leider nicht: Wenn man AT+00:00:30 einstellt, fängt er auch zu "blitzen" an...
also das ist ja ein ganz seltsamer Novag-Bug, vielen Dank für den Hinweis!

Gilt das auch für den Star Diamond? (der normale Diamond ist ja noch nicht emuliert)

Falls gewünscht könnte ich diesen Bug im Plugin beheben, indem ich einfach sämtliche AT-Levels in entsprechende TR-Levels umdefiniere ...

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Re: AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Gilt das auch für den Star Diamond?
Not to my knowledge.
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Alt Gestern, 15:45
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Re: AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

 Zitat von fhub Beitrag anzeigen
Hallo Robert,

also das ist ja ein ganz seltsamer Novag-Bug, vielen Dank für den Hinweis!

Gilt das auch für den Star Diamond? (der normale Diamond ist ja noch nicht emuliert)

Falls gewünscht könnte ich diesen Bug im Plugin beheben, indem ich einfach sämtliche AT-Levels in entsprechende TR-Levels umdefiniere ...

Ich bitte darum, dass Sie weiterhin mit 100%iger Korrektheit zum Original bauen, Sie bauen eine Geschichte auf, die für künftige Generationen erhalten bleiben sollte, es gibt genug Bullshit in der Geschichte, fügen Sie dem bitte nichts hinzu.

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Alt Gestern, 18:37
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Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

 Zitat von spacious_mind Beitrag anzeigen
Ich bitte darum, dass Sie weiterhin mit 100%iger Korrektheit zum Original bauen, Sie bauen eine Geschichte auf, die für künftige Generationen erhalten bleiben sollte, es gibt genug Bullshit in der Geschichte, fügen Sie dem bitte nichts hinzu.
Nick, if you want the highest fidelity (not always 100% possible, although we try), then use just MAME. Its function is that, to preserve the history of the chess computer through emulation, romdumping, documentation, etc.

But I understand that the aim of CB-Emu is more than that, what sense would it make to repeat the same thing? CB-Emu, as a fork of MAME, has added useful features that are highly valued by users, and one of them is not purism. I think the two projects can coexist, they are not mutually exclusive.
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Alt Gestern, 19:55
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Frage Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Nick, if you want the highest fidelity (not always 100% possible, although we try), then use just MAME. Its function is that, to preserve the history of the chess computer through emulation, romdumping, documentation, etc.

But I understand that the aim of CB-Emu is more than that, what sense would it make to repeat the same thing? CB-Emu, as a fork of MAME, has added useful features that are highly valued by users, and one of them is not purism. I think the two projects can coexist, they are not mutually exclusive.
Ok I think this is easier in English. I don't see a problem with correcting and enhancing things. However, I believe first and foremost the original should be created and documented in a way that everyone knows it either 100% reproduces the original or does not. What can possibly be wrong with that?

If you want to modify the Sapphire, then no one is stopping you and I am sure you will be appreciated. But then call it for what it is.. add it as Novag Sapphire Modified, and explain why. Now everyone will know why. Just don't assume that everyone reads comments in these posts. Assume that 99% of the people don't and they assume that they are playing the original.

What I am suggesting is not that difficult to do as a standard for all your Mess computers, it does not take any extra work from anybody. It just provides visibility.

And since it is assumed by 99% of the people that they are playing originals, then this is your responsibility or you put a disclaimer everywhere to tell everyone clearly that the "Mess programs are simulation only and do not 100% represent the originals" You can't have it both ways by calling them by their original names and then disclaim that you can do whatever you like with them.

Sending me somewhere else does not fix your issue. Because the next person will ask, then the next and so on. Don't shoot a messenger.

Believe it or not I am trying to help you here.

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Alt Gestern, 20:04
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AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Nick, if you want the highest fidelity (not always 100% possible, although we try), then use just MAME. Its function is that, to preserve the history of the chess computer through emulation, romdumping, documentation, etc.

But I understand that the aim of CB-Emu is more than that, what sense would it make to repeat the same thing? CB-Emu, as a fork of MAME, has added useful features that are highly valued by users, and one of them is not purism. I think the two projects can coexist, they are not mutually exclusive.
Unfortunately, I have to disagree with you, Gerardo.

These additional features are optional, i.e. as long as you do not use/activate them, the engines in CB-Emu behave exactly like in the official MAME version. Or have you perhaps had a different experience?

Differences are only possible (but rather unlikely) between CB-Emu, MessExtra and MessNew if the emulations in MAME were somehow changed or improved between the corresponding MAME versions (0.175, 0.220 and 0.265) - at least the new MessNew corresponds (almost) completely to the current MAME.

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Alt Gestern, 20:48
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Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Well, what a mess I've made! LOL

Nick, I have nothing to do with the development of CB-Emu... it's all Franz's work and responsibility.
I was just inviting you to use MAME. I only collaborate with the MAME development team, I don't make any modifications, as far as I'm concerned I always respect the original design. And I agree that if the original computer has a bug, so does the emulation.

Franz, I'm sorry, I have spoken out of ignorance. From what I usually read here, I thought that CB-Emu and its complements offered different options to the original MAME ones, such as higher clock frequencies, bug fixes, etc. You explain to me that these modifications are optional, and that seems perfect to me.

Honestly, I haven't played with CB-Emu for years... many years.

But I recommend it to all my friends for the convenience of having the roms included, for the extra options it provides, etc. I don't play chess nowadays... I spend my time doing repairs, restorations, reverse engineering, etc.
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Alt Gestern, 21:04
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Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Well, what a mess I've made! LOL
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