Im legendären hiarcs-forum Thread, wo Ron Nelson persönlich antwortete, sagte er zum UI Design des Sensory 12 (welcher ähnlich wie Elegance funktioniert):
Sensory Challenger 12 Model SC12 year 1984.
I did the I/O programming and UI design for the Sensory 9. and sent development units to the Spracklens.
The next year I designed it into a wooden housing, and Kathy said she wanted to design the User Interface. I said ok go for it.
When it was finished & masked, I was at an internal sales meeting.
No one could figure out how to start a new game.
Sid turned to me with a questioning look. I showed him how to do it (multiple key presses as I recall) and explained about Kathy. He said, don't let them do it again.
I think that was the one game we made where you better not through away the Instruction Manual.
Zum Glück sind die Anleitungen für SC12 und SC12B beide bei Alain Zanchetta zu finden.
Die Unterschiede für die Optionen (RE / PB-PV etc.) sind eben auch bei den Elegance Versionen eingebaut worden, bloss die Felder für die Optionen unterscheiden sich. Dieses UI-Update hat wahrscheinlich Ron Nelson eingebaut..
Danke Franz für deine Bemühungen.