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Hat jemand ein ton recording von Tasc R40, oder viellecht ein Youtube video?
Will be quite hard to get such a recording, because only very few people have this machine.

One other question:
I've now ported your new Risc2500 and TascR30 driver to my older MAME version, and there's one difference in the display for the Risc2500:
although I'm exactly using your new driver and layout in version 0.220, the upper part of the LCD looks quite different in this version than in 0.230 - I've attached the 2 screens.

There must have changed something in MAME between 0.220 and 0.230, that causes this difference - do you know which files may be responsible for this?
(the left picture is from 0.220, the right one from 0.225 and 0.230)
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Name:	old.png
Hits:	99
Größe:	6,4 KB
ID:	4916   Klicke auf die Grafik für eine größere Ansicht

Name:	new.png
Hits:	95
Größe:	1,5 KB
ID:	4917  
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