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Maybe most of the software is ok with it. The smartboard manual is pretty clear about that each piece has its own unique frequency.
Yes, at least all 4 chess modules for the Tasc R30 work perfectly with my modifications, internally they just don't care about whether e.g. a rook is ROOK1 or ROOK2. The Tasc R30 programs have a quite strong test of legal or illegal positions, which is even displayed when entering the 'position' menu:
the program accepts only 16 pieces for each side, only 1 king and 8 pawns, but any number of the other pieces (QRBN) as long as one pawn is removed for every additional piece.
According to these conditions I've now changed my code a bit, I've restored the 'piece_available' function, and changed the tests in 'spawn_cb':
keeping the 'if (piece_available(...))' checks for the king and the pawns, removing this check completely for the queen, and for the other 3 pieces I only check for PIECE1 - if not available then I use PIECE2 (so this would happen for all additional pieces).
It's not much difference to my first version, but now at least all usual pieces have their correct internal numbers again.
And the R30 manual mentions you need to play with a different piece if the queen is not available. (in other words, R30 did not come with 2 queens per color)
Well, it's not only about a 2nd queen after a promotion, it's also about solving chess puzzles with more than the usual number of pieces of the same color (e.g. 2 queens or 3 knights).
You can definitely set up such a position on a real Tasc R30 (you just could have some extra pieces from an other R30), but you can't do this with the current SmartBoard driver in the original MAME - except you use my MessExtra version ...