Thema: Tipp: BanksiaGui
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Alt 05.04.2021, 14:14
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AW: Re: BanksiaGui

 Zitat von Bryan Whitby Beitrag anzeigen
I did try and load all the Hiarcs .bat files last night when I was trying different permutations but I will definitely do as you advise about copying the folder over to Banksai.
Well, the location of this 'Engines' folder is not important, it's just more logical to put it into the BanksiaGUI folder.
The point is, that this folder does not mean, that the engines are automatically known to the BanksiaGUI (i.e. appear in the players list) -
you first have to install each single engine (i.e. any BAT file in this folder) before you can select it as engine for a game.

Geändert von fhub (05.04.2021 um 14:20 Uhr)
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Bryan Whitby (08.04.2021)