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2. Fidelity Eldorado
Ron Nelson's letztes 8049 (2K) Programm von 1990, spielt besser als Mini Sensory II und berger könnte das sehr einfach auslesen.
Indeed, it is.

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And I intend to finally stop my CB-Emu project with the end of this year, so there are only a few weeks for possible new engines.
Ok, I understand you. For my part, I don't think I'll be able to provide anything new before the end of the year. I have several things pending, but I will need more time. As far as I can see, you'd better start fine-tuning that latest 2020 version of CB-Emu, and we'll see what happens in the future!
Who knows? Maybe in a few months or a year, you'll have the will and energy to continue. Anyway, it is remarkable what you have achieved so far.