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Alt 01.08.2020, 12:26
Benutzerbild von berger
berger berger ist offline
Fidelity Elite Avantgarde Version 10
Registriert seit: 27.05.2013
Ort: Barcelona (Catalonia)
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Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!


For those of you curious about how to open this computer and do as little damage as possible...


And for those of you who have observed the improper use of a tool that is not exactly cheap: Indeed those cutting pliers are for "soft copper" and they get ruined with the nails. I used them because they were already damaged and I couldn't catch the head of the nail without enlarging the surrounding groove further.

Mit Zitat antworten
Folgende 10 Benutzer sagen Danke zu berger für den nützlichen Beitrag:
achimp (01.08.2020), Agep (01.08.2020), AlexS (01.08.2020), Bryan Whitby (01.08.2020), fhub (01.08.2020), mclane (01.08.2020), Mythbuster (01.08.2020), raschmo (15.12.2021), Sargon (01.08.2020), Tibono (01.08.2020)