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Alt 12.05.2020, 15:06
Tibono Tibono ist offline
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AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

 Zitat von hap Beitrag anzeigen
In reality, V9 will be slower than V10.
68040 is a faster CPU than 68030. MAME's timing emulation of it is not that accurate (neither for 68030, and especially not for 68060)

BCLK(eg. access to RAM/ROM is slowed) is not emulated in MAME.
Hi hap,
I think Eastnor is right - a quick test using Franz's CB-Emu and fixed depth search levels reveals current V10 emulation runs slower than the V9 one. I checked using "show FPS" option my own CPU achieved the expected emulation performance (100%).
I understand the 68030 (v9) emulation is not that accurate, better than nothing (and I am more than happy to use it); but the v10 68040 emulation speed seems badly wrong!

Just using Wiki Elo-List, at activ chess
v9 : CElo = 2150
v10: CElo = 2204 (+54)

We can assume the program to be the same and guess a speed ratio: v10/v9 = 10^(54/[Elo gain]*log(2))
-minimum value assuming 80 Elo points gain per speed doubling: 1.60
-medium value assuming 70 Elo points gain per speed doubling: 1.71
-highest value assuming 60 Elo points gain per speed doubling: 1.87

So yes, we can expect the v10 to run significantly faster than the v9, which the emulation does not seem to achieve.

Kind regards,
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Eastnor (14.05.2020)