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Da dieses Modul in praktisch allen Belangen (Hardware, ROM-Anzahl und Größe, Spielstufen usw.) einem Mephisto II entspricht, habe ich es in CB-Emu auch als 'Mephisto II (1X)' bezeichnet.
Hi Franz,
You're right: From an operational point of view, this is true, these are similar programs. But in my opinion
Mephisto 1X deserves a place of honour.
It was released as a
Mephisto 1X a few weeks before the
Mephisto II, and not as a Mephisto II with a 1x program. This module was mainly sold in France because it had won the Paris tournament, and it is an extremely rare version.
I know it's something symbolic, but I'm sure the collector who helped us incorporate this program would appreciate, in a future update of CB-Emu, a little change like this.