Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!
I have done reverse engineering of Novag Super System III, and yesterday I sent all the data to hap. So we will soon be able to enjoy this computer properly emulated as well. Thanks to MikeChess for providing a unit for its study.
On the other hand achimp has sent me a group of chess computers and ROMs so that I can do the romdumps (and reverse engineering when needed): Novag Constellation 3.6, Mephisto IIIb, Mephisto ESB II, Novag Super Sensor IV, Novag Sensor Dynamic, Novag Savant II, etc.
Edition: Everything Achim sent me is physical. When I say ROMs I mean the chips, so I have to do the romdumps in order to send the binary files to hap and Franz.
Geändert von berger (21.08.2019 um 21:16 Uhr)
Grund: Clarification