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Alt 05.11.2016, 09:35
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Fidelity Elite Avantgarde Version 10
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Re: AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

 Zitat von fhub Beitrag anzeigen
Na ja, diese 'hap'-Methode ist leider auch nur für Fledermausohren geeignet, die bis in den Ultraschallbereich hinauf hören -
extrem kurze und hohe Piepser, und als Lösung schlägt er vor:
"Sound is too short and high pitch, better when you underclock the cpu."
Ist doch eine wirklich intelligente Lösung, das ganze Programm langsamer zu machen, nur um bessere Tonsignale zu bekommen, oder?

I think there is no need to attack the work of others, as you are doing systematically with the work done by hap. For example, he has emulated many Fidelity chess computers in the last months. The work you are doing is great, there's no doubt, but you're taking advantage of these new drivers, too. I've also spent many hours making reverse engineering with different chess computers, to help in MESS emulation. Other people have dedicated time and effort, too. Therefore I ask you for a little respect for the work of others.

Regarding the sound issue... As hap has commented on MECA forum: "Underclocking the CPU is not the solution. It is a hint that something is wrong with timing, but other than that, sound emulation is correct. There's either something wrong with per-opcode cycle timing in MAME ARM core, or an inserted waistate on p1000 access."

Gerardo M. (aka Berger)

Geändert von berger (05.11.2016 um 09:43 Uhr)
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