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Alt 07.06.2016, 14:48
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Hi Bryan!
 Zitat von Bryan Whitby Beitrag anzeigen
Could you please advise me what I have to do to be able to enter my moves by keyboard (e2e4) instead of using a mouse.
Sorry, but that's not possible.
MESS is a realistic emulation of the real machines, and since there's no keyboard support in the real machines,
this is also not implemented in MESS, at least not for the devices which have a sensor chess board.
Only the 4 machines without a sensor board (cc7, cc10, vcc and uvc) have keys for coordinate entry (a1-h8),
so only for those you can enter the moves via keyboard.

May I ask why you want to enter the moves by keyboard instead of using the mouse?


Geändert von fhub (07.06.2016 um 14:54 Uhr)
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