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Alt 27.12.2024, 12:13
Tibono Tibono ist offline
Registriert seit: 22.05.2018
Ort: Frankreich
Alter: 63
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AW: New Millennium Chess Champion 2.0

 Zitat von Tibono Beitrag anzeigen
- The style setting does have an impact. According to early first tests, normal looks best, which was to be expected assuming correct tuning of the software. Very passive setting appears to much weaken the program, using 15secs/move level. To be confirmed, this is just a very early outcome.
Hello dear chess friends,

I just completed the "Spacious Mind reloaded" test, running thru all five playing styles (and using 15s/move level).

Here is the detailed data (best scores are highlighted using yellow color):

And the summary graph:

As initially spotted, the passive styles definitely weaken the level, especially the 'very passive' one that looks like "suicide chess". Nonsense moves are too often played.
Aggressive styles are much more use-able, and can be chosen as alternative choices that still make sense. But obviously the normal style is proven best, according to the test.

Angehängte Grafiken
Dateityp: jpg CC20_test_data.jpg (26,4 KB, 840x aufgerufen)
Dateityp: jpg CC20_test_graph.jpg (22,6 KB, 845x aufgerufen)
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Folgende 11 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Tibono für den nützlichen Beitrag:
achimp (30.12.2024), Bryan Whitby (31.12.2024), ferribaci (27.12.2024), Fluppio (27.12.2024), jerazi (28.12.2024), kamoj (27.12.2024), larryadler (31.12.2024), Mapi (27.12.2024), Murat (27.12.2024), udo (28.12.2024), Wolfgang2 (27.12.2024)