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AW: Re: AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Hi Graham,
 Zitat von GONeill Beitrag anzeigen
Now a question for you Franz. If I'm using an eBoard I can take back the moves and they appear in Arena correctly. Rather than use the Save/Copy FEN on the Arena screen I thought I would try simulating that by removing the kings on the eBoard and then just replacing then again. That is how you setup positions in Arena using an eBoard, and in this case I'm just setting it to the new position after the takebacks. But rather than calling 'Setup' in your modules it seems to call 'Edit', which it says isn't supported. How hard would it be to make 'Edit' act the same as 'Setup' so that the process could be completed without using the screen?
the problem is that I don't have an eBoard, so I don't know what the eBoard is sending to Arena and what Arena sends to the plugin when you remove the king and put him back.

In the plugins 'Edit' mode is completely different from 'Setup' mode, it expects a series of moves, but not a position (like 'Setup'), so I've no idea how I
could make 'Edit' act the same as 'Setup'!? (But maybe I don't understand exactly what you mean?).

An other problem is, that Arena (in UCI mode) sends the full movelist for each new move to the engine (instead of just the latest move), so writing the main plugin (init.lua) for things like 'Edit' and 'Setup' in UCI mode was really a nightmare. Thus I would not like to change this code again and risk that some other things will no longer work.

Meine Webseite: https://fhub.jimdofree.com/
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