Zitat von
Neuer dump von Berger: Elite Private Line (EAG Umbau).
Thanks to you and Berger - we already had a Private Line with a single-display in MAME long time ago (and I still have it in my versions).
I have a short question:
Yesterday I've added some code to the supercon and cexpert drivers to show the internal evaluation (from 2 bytes in the RAM).
Currently I'm displaying these values via 'popmessage', but with this method it's not possible to output it anywhere on the layout.
Is there any way to directly send a decimal value (that changes continuously) to the layout so that I can place it there wherever I want?
If this is not possible (and probably it's not, I'm afraid), then an other question:
This evaluation display can be switched ON/OFF in the 'Options > Configuration' menu (with an additional PORT_START("EVAL")). Now if it's switched ON, I would like to increase the height of the layout (bottom="xx") a bit, so that the chessboard is moved up a bit to make place for this popup message (else it overwrites the board).
Is it possible to automatically make such a layout change whenever the user switches this configuration option ON/OFF?