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Alt 07.08.2024, 08:53
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Mephisto MM 4 Turbo Kit
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Re: Mensch gegen Maschine: Schachcomputer im Check F.A.Z. Kaufkompass

I read the review of the Chessnut Evo but I think there maybe something wrong in the article. He mentions the Lc0 engine built into the Evo adapts to the player's strength but there is no mention of this functionality from Chessnut, not that I have seen anyway. What can be done is to give Lc0 a weights file created from a set of 250 games using Chessnut's web service. In this way we supposedly can create our own bots playing in the style of someone. However the problem with this, as I have mentioned before, is that because the Lc0 engine in Evo currently has no form of lookahead, it tends to play very badly. So giving it a weights file created from Magnus Carlson's games won't produce a bot playing at his strength. It will play his openings but will then blunder pieces, playing like a beginner. Apparently Chessnut will be releasing a new version of software for the Evo later this year to improve its strength.
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