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Re: AW: Re: AW: Some thoughts about Strength Tests

 Zitat von CC 7 Beitrag anzeigen
Hi Nick !

Right, at the moment it is performance based.

You could make a suggestion, if it would be possible to create a tool that is not based on performance but according to your needs.
Why not asking for such a new tool ?
What do you (they) think about it ?

Yes, maybe I will contact them and see what happens.

Let's think about what would be needed or considered.

1) It is unlikely that today's hardware would be able to go quick enough in order to go deep enough to identify best moves as for it to be interesting you need the game analysis to be fairly quick, otherwise you have problems with impatience. So, do you take 1 minute for example to evaluate a complete game today and how good is that?

2) In order to do this, I would want to have a clear distinction between theory strength and brain power strength. Meaning for example an opening is theory. So, a rule could be put in place where you have the database, and a match is made against the database. If for example in previous plays x number of games had played that move, then it falls under theory.

3) Strength begins where theory ends. Since the game database has the year tied to it, that is also possible for historical games. You match the year played against current year and previous years.

4) Endgame strength.... you could for example create a rule that endgames begin by counting empty squares. i.e. if there are 49 empty squares, the endgame begins. Make that a standard...as an example.

So, in summary if something like this could be created then you would have:

Theory rating
Middle game strength rating
Endgame strength rating
Combined rating.

Just some thoughts, regards

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