Thema: Frage: Elo game levels
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Alt 12.06.2024, 07:17
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AW: Elo game levels

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a few other Mephistos also have ELO levels: Academy, RISC, RISC II and Polgar.
(you can find all at the beginning of 'Levels.txt' in the folder 'level')
Great, thank you Franz. Academy ranges 1000-2000, so a nice one to add with 6 levels (1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800 and 2000) unlike the Milano without 1000 setting (enabled as input, but 1200 being substituted).
Polgar offers the same range as Milano/Nigel Short and could be sort of a duplicate as far as Elo testing is concerned; same for RISC II with regards to RISC.
But I shall include RISC which Elo-active levels range from 1700 to 2200, thus adding 2 participants (1800 & 2000).

56+6+2=64, a nice number of participants for my Swiss tournament!
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