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Re: AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

 Zitat von spacious_mind Beitrag anzeigen
Hi Gerardo,

I know you are replicating the computers by using the original hardware. Please don't consider what I wrote as a self-experienced observation anything other than the chess software programs themselves (inside the ROMs). The fact that you are showing two ROMs for Regency possibly explains my experience with my Regency. It has occasional tendencies to move too fast or almost instantly which results in moves of possible lesser quality. Who knows there may be even third or fourth ROMs for Regency. You would know this better than I, as my interest is more about the chess programs other than being interested in how the different hardware influences the results of a program. The hardware is your domain.

In my tests I have only ever been able to 100% over 5 original tests replicate 226 positions with Legend and Concerto, every other one has a move deviance here and there. But even that would be difficult to state as a fact if there are multiple versions ROMs used with Legend and Concerto.

Therefore, just as you are doing it is important to separate and play on the computers under their original conditions (identify the different ROMs and separate them), unless you can 100% prove that two computers are 100% the same hardware and software. Because in my opinion one or the other would never = 100%. It requires both to be 100%. Your Mess approaches show this through your V1, 2, 3 versions, where many of them if not most provide different chess results. Otherwise, why bother with V1, 2 etc.

Based on what you are all doing with Mess I think you would be in agreement with this.

Best regards
Hello Nick,

I'm only a small part in all this, it's a teamwork of many people. I basically repair chess computers, reverse engineer and ROM dumping. But unlike many people, I actually play very little with chess computers these days.

I did an entry on the Shachcomputer.info Wikipedia explaining what the "ROM serial" is, a code that uniquely identifies the ROM of one of these Hitachi microcontrollers:


But suppose for a moment two chess computers with exactly the same chess engine, the same opening book, basically identical hardware in terms of processing speed, RAM, etc. but one running with pressure squares and the other with magnetic sensors. The ROM dump will be very different, and yet they will play the same or very similar!

That is why it is also very important to study and compare the games... playing. All this is complementary, necessary and very interesting. One work of study does not exclude the other. The research done by hap, or by other members of this forum who dedicate time to the disassembly and study of the code stored in the ROM, sheds light, supports suspicions or sometimes disproves something that had been taken as valid until then.

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Folgende 3 Benutzer sagen Danke zu berger für den nützlichen Beitrag:
kamoj (03.06.2024), Robert (04.06.2024), spacious_mind (03.06.2024)