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Alt 02.06.2024, 17:05
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Hi Nick,
 Zitat von spacious_mind Beitrag anzeigen
I think I found another FEN problem which might need a correction in GK2000:
yes, a stupid mistake at the end of the setup routine in the plugin.
And the same mistake also existed in the plugin for the Saitek ChessAcademy.
I've now fixed it and also made a small change in the Excalibur plugins (for Igor & Ivan).

Thanks for reporting this bug,
Meine Webseite: https://fhub.jimdofree.com/

Geändert von fhub (06.06.2024 um 10:30 Uhr)
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Folgende 7 Benutzer sagen Danke zu fhub für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Agep (02.06.2024), kamoj (03.06.2024), Mark 1 (02.06.2024), MikeChess (02.06.2024), spacious_mind (02.06.2024), Tibono (02.06.2024), Wandersleben (02.06.2024)