Thema: Turnier: Turnierpartien
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Alt 12.01.2005, 13:13
Benutzerbild von Supergrobi
Supergrobi Supergrobi ist offline
Registriert seit: 12.07.2004
Ort: Hannover
Alter: 53
Beiträge: 702
Abgegebene Danke: 277
Erhielt 438 Danke für 112 Beiträge
Aktivitäten Langlebigkeit
0/20 20/20
Heute Beiträge
0/3 ssssss702
AW: Risc 1 Mb - Sparc 40/2h

 Zitat von Sargon
Hello Dirk ,mmhhh very strange because i am always by the comp.when they play and i now i didnt leave that game ,i played with Risc level elo... that u dont can see any info on display,with Sparc level F3 best regards Hans
Hi Hans,
hmm, I used the "normal" tournament level 40/2 (and F3 on the Sparc, too). Maybe there is a difference in these levels?
I remember an old fellow from my chess club who owned a Mephisto Academy. He swore that the Level ELO-Aktiv was better than the 30 min blitz level. But he had to turn the ELO to 9000...
This evening I'll look at my software version. Maybe there's a difference to your's.

Best regards,
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