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Re: TheKing v Chessnut Evo Maia Level 9

Game 3/10
[Event "TheKing V Evo Maia L9 Master Book"]
[Round "3"]
[White "TheKing 30s/move"]
[Black "MaiaL9"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B03"]

1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 d6 4.c4 Nb6 5.exd6 cxd6 $6 ( {Theory prefers} 5...exd6 $1 ) 6.Nc3 g6 7.Bg5 Bg7 8.Nf3 O-O $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.15/23} ( 8...Bg4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.11/21} 9.Be2 Nc6 10.Rc1 Qd7 11.d5 Bxf3 12.Bxf3 Ne5 13.b3 Qf5 14.Ne4 Nbd7 15.O-O Nxf3+ 16.Qxf3 Qxf3 17.gxf3 h6 18.Be3 f5 19.Nc3 a6 20.Kg2 Kf7 21.Ne2 g5 22.Bd4 Ne5 23.Rfd1 Rac8 24.Bc3 Kg6 25.Rc2 ) 9.Be2 Nc6 10.d5 Na5 11.Nd2 Bf5 12.g4 Bd7 13.Qc1 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.55/24} ( 13.Rc1 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.17/22} 13...Rc8 14.b3 Bxc3 15.Rxc3 Nxd5 16.Rg3 Nc7 17.O-O f6 18.Bh6 Rf7 19.Be3 b6 20.f4 d5 21.f5 g5 22.Nf3 Bc6 23.Nd4 Bb7 24.Bd2 Qd6 25.Bxa5 bxa5 26.Qd2 Qc5 27.Qe3 dxc4 28.bxc4 Qe5 29.Qxe5 ) 13...Rc8 14.b3 h6 15.Bh4 g5 16.Bg3 e6 $1 17.Bxd6 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -3.51/22} ( 17.dxe6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.56/19} 17...Bxe6 18.Nb5 d5 19.c5 Re8 20.Kf1 Nd7 21.Rb1 f5 22.b4 Nc6 23.h3 a5 24.gxf5 Bxf5 25.Nd6 Bxb1 26.Qxb1 Nxb4 27.Nxc8 Qxc8 28.Bh5 Nxc5 29.Kg2 Ne4 30.Nxe4 Rxe4 ) 17...Re8 $1 18.Bb4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -4.82/23} ( 18.O-O {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -3.24/22} 18...exd5 19.c5 Qf6 20.Bf3 Qxc3 21.Qxc3 Bxc3 22.cxb6 Bxd2 23.bxa7 Bc3 24.Rab1 Nc6 25.h3 Nxa7 26.Bxd5 Bc6 27.Bxc6 Nxc6 28.Kg2 Nb4 29.Rfd1 Nxa2 30.f4 Red8 31.fxg5 hxg5 32.Be7 Rxd1 33.Rxd1 f6 ) 18...Nxd5 $1 19.cxd5 exd5 20.Kf1 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -6.10/23} ( 20.O-O {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -4.52/22} 20...Rxe2 21.Qd1 Re8 22.Rc1 Nc6 23.Nxd5 Nxb4 24.Nxb4 Rxc1 25.Qxc1 Bxg4 26.Nc2 Be2 27.Ne3 Bd4 28.Nf5 Qd7 29.Ng3 Bxf1 30.Ndxf1 Qg4 31.Qd2 Qf4 32.Qc2 Qf3 33.Qd2 Qc3 34.Qxc3 Bxc3 35.Ne3 Kh7 36.Kg2 Bd2 37.Ngf5 Bxe3 38.fxe3 ) 20...d4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -3.57/19} ( 20...Qb6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -6.10/23} 21.Qd1 Qxb4 22.Nxd5 Qd4 23.Ne4 Qxe4 24.Bf3 Bxg4 25.Bxe4 Bxd1 26.Rxd1 Rxe4 27.Ne3 Nc6 28.Rg1 Rf4 29.Rd2 Rd8 30.Rxd8+ Nxd8 31.Ke2 Ne6 32.Rc1 Rh4 33.Rc8+ Bf8 34.Nf5 Rxh2 35.Ra8 a6 36.Rb8 Nf4+ 37.Kf3 Nd3 38.Ke2 Nxf2 39.Rxb7 ) 21.Nde4 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -7.42/20} ( 21.Bxa5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -3.57/19} 21...Qxa5 22.Nc4 Qc5 23.Qc2 dxc3 24.a4 Re6 25.Bd3 Qd5 26.Rg1 Rce8 27.Bf5 Re2 28.Qxe2 Rxe2 29.Kxe2 Bxf5 30.gxf5 Qxf5 31.Rac1 Qe6+ 32.Kf1 Qh3+ 33.Ke2 Kh7 34.Rg3 Qxh2 35.Ne3 Qh5+ 36.Kf1 Qh1+ 37.Rg1 ) 21...Bc6 22.Qe1 dxc3 23.Rd1 Qb6 24.Bc5 Qc7 25.Bd6 Qd8 26.Bb4 Qc7 27.Bd6 Qd8 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/26} ( 27...Qd7 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -7.68/21} 28.Ba3 Qe6 29.Bf3 Bxe4 30.Qxe4 Qxe4 31.Bxe4 Rxe4 32.Bc1 Rxg4 33.Rd7 c2 34.h3 Rb4 35.Rd2 b6 36.Kg2 Re4 37.Kf3 Rf4+ 38.Kg2 Rh4 39.Rd7 Nc6 40.Be3 Ne5 41.Rxa7 Nd3 42.Rd7 ) 28.Bb4 {White loses 0.41 pawn per move (3 mistakes, 2 inaccuracies), Black loses 0.24 pawn per move (1 mistake, 2 inaccuracies).} 1/2-1/2

The Alekhine Defence, Exchange variation was played and all was level up to move 12.Bd7:

Here is an example where TheKing makes a poor move – but as often the case in such situations these moves are only be seen by an engine running on much faster hardware. TheKing played 13.Qc1? Better would have been 13.Rc1 considering that White’s c4 pawn is currently attacked by two Knights with the possibility of Black moving Rc8 adding to the threat. Then, at some point Black can advance the King’s Pawn prompting a pawn exchange and then allowing the advance of the Queen’s Pawn adding to the attack on White’s c5 Pawn. White will need to move the Knight on c3 to allow the Queen to defend the Pawn along with the Bishop on e2. Therefore, protecting the Pawn would be best done with the Rook.

A few moves later with Maia playing well we have this position:

Maia had just played 19…exd5. White is up two pawns but is in a very bad position with the Bishop on e2 and the Knight on c3 both pinned, and the Pawn on g4 is threatened by Maia’s Bishop. Here, “TheKing” needs to get “the King” to safety and makes the move 20.Kf1?! Why not castle?

At move 25…Bd6 we have this position:

Maia is in a winning position but is unable to find the winning sequence. The idea briefly is to maneuver the Queen to e6 and eventually force a Queen exchange. This exposes White’s King to attack by Black’s Rooks. However, this line of thought was beyond Maia’s neural knowledge and it could only manage a draw.

This was an interesting game as it shows weaknesses in TheKing’s play at this time control at least, but also shows how dangerous Maia can be!

Current score 2 ½ - ½ to TheKing.
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Mephisto_Risc (01.04.2024), mickihamster (01.04.2024), Tibono (01.04.2024)