Thema: News: New Chessnut Evo
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Alt 25.02.2024, 16:40
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Re: AW: New Chessnut Evo

 Zitat von udo Beitrag anzeigen
Jetzt wollte ich das gerade auch posten, da warst Du schneller

Insgesamt wurde er ja recht gut bewertet, hat aber auch noch einige Bugs.
Auch wurden die Kunststofffiguren für den Preis des Schachcomputers bemängelt, ich finde allerdings, sie passen zu dem Gerät vom optischen her.
There are some bugs, and I have reported some of them and also made suggestions for improvements. Chessnut are very active in solving and improving the machine so I have a positive feeling about being an owner. They have for example greatly improved the Maia engine that now plays a very good game of chess suitable for beginners to advanced players. I would also agree with you about the plastic pieces, they fit well with the design of the machine. I like their design and weight. Overall, I think the Evo is a very interesting device and very good for training/learning but with the ability to install other chess programs such as DroidFish and PGNMaster is an excellent analysis tool and database system.

Regards Ray

Geändert von Ray (25.02.2024 um 16:40 Uhr) Grund: Adding my name
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udo (25.02.2024)