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Alt 18.12.2023, 14:53
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Hi hap,

I have a short question about the new turbo16k driver:
since it's impossible for me to back-port this new clock driver (msm5001n) to my old MAME version, I had a look at the turbo16k code and it seems to me, that there are only write accesses to this clock.
If this is correct, then it's not used as timer for the chess program and so it's not really needed for the engine to work - right?
Could I then just remove this clock driver (and the few write commands) from turbo16k?
This would make it an emulation of the real device with just a broken clock LCD.

Meine Webseite: https://fhub.jimdofree.com/
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kamoj (18.12.2023), Mark 1 (18.12.2023)