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Alt 14.11.2023, 11:06
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Mephisto MM 4 Turbo Kit
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Re: ChessGenius PRO 2024 version

I've just received confirmation from Millennium that the opening books in the CGP2024 are identical to those in the CGPro. Well, I guessed they would be but at least we know for sure now.

Also, how the games are stored in memory has now been clarified. The CGP2024 it seems does not use non-volatile memory but relies on an internal charge to maintain the memory contents. I suspect it is working the same as in the Exclusive modules. So as described in the email I received from Millennium the memory is retained during a normal battery change i.e. within a few minutes. It can only become critical if you switch off the device using the slider button, then press the ON/OFF button, thereby removing the internal charge, and then do nothing for a long period of time.

I imagine during normal use, it will retain the contents, but worth considering that any important games that you may want to preserve are recorded elsewhere.

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Tibono (14.11.2023), udo (14.11.2023)