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Alt 19.09.2023, 19:00
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AW: Re: AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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The LCD is the same as other Mephistos, copy one from those? Glasgow, Amsterdam/Dallas/Roma, Modena.
Yes, the LCD is the same, but these old drivers are so different to the new roma2 driver, that it's almost impossible (at least for me) to use their code for the roma2.
But I've found a better method: I've implemented the missing 'mmdisplay1.h/cpp' in my older version, and after a few necessary changes the Roma II and Montreal engines are now working in CB-Emu and MessExtra, too!
Meine Webseite: https://fhub.jimdofree.com/
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Agep (19.09.2023), kamoj (19.09.2023), Mapi (19.09.2023), Mark 1 (19.09.2023)