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Alt 29.08.2023, 13:57
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Is it mainly for showing the claw position?
No, I've already replaced m_display->write_mx/my with update_display() as I've done it before in some other drivers.
And I've also commented out the 'claw' code in the layout, because I know from the Phantom that this won't work in 0.220.

The problem in the driver seems to be m_pwm_accum[4] - there's a message about an error in 'save.h' pointing me to the line with 'save_item(NAME(m_pwm_accum))'. I guess this save_item doesn't work with an array in my old version!?

And in the layout file there are many problems:
First it doesn't accept 'bounds xc/yc=', and if I replace this with 'bounds x/y=' then everything is misplaced in the artwork.
Furthermore the LEDs are not displayed - this could certainly be solved anyhow, but it would be much work ...
Meine Webseite: https://fhub.jimdofree.com/
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kamoj (29.08.2023)