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Alt 13.05.2023, 18:50
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AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Hi MyChess,
 Zitat von Mychess Beitrag anzeigen
I decode like this:
Too simple ?
perfect - you deserve the title "Code cracker"!

But tell the truth - have you looked at my 'ccmk2' plugin?

About your FF flags: the bytes 0xbb are just placeholders for a 2nd queen after a promotion (they change to 0xcc when the 2 lists are exchanged after turning the board).

It's indeed a very strange method to store the coordinates for each piece in a list instead of the usual 8x8 board table filled with piece codes - I've not seen this in any other engine in CB-Emu.
And of course it has some disadvantages: positions with more than 2 pieces QRBN are not possible, and also a promotion to a queen is only possible once, for any further promotion the ccmk2 automatically uses the next possible piece (I've not yet tried what he does when all pieces exist twice).

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Folgende 2 Benutzer sagen Danke zu fhub für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Boris (15.05.2023), kamoj (14.05.2023)