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Alt 02.03.2023, 20:09
Beeco76 Beeco76 ist offline
Mephisto Montreux
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AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

 Zitat von hap Beitrag anzeigen
2 things to keep in mind:
- original Princhess(Glasgow) was on 2 modules
- Correct me if I'm wrong, I think L16 is from 1985 and was made for Plymate, Glasgow is from 1984.

opening example to try:
works on Plymate L16 and also on MM2 HG240
Nc3, d5, d4, Nf6, ..

This does not work on concgla+l16.
That's very interesting, because I was curious how much of the Princhess engine is still contained in MM2.
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