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Alt 15.07.2022, 16:01
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Mephisto Excalibur
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Re: AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

 Zitat von Robert Beitrag anzeigen
I would say, yes, it is rare (took me some years to get one
The engine is a clone of the Mephisto MM II. I could play identical games; even the evaluations were identical...
Congratulations, I've never seen a Yeno 532 XL for sale!

The Yeno 532 XL was mostly sold in France, so I think you should look there to find one.
Yeno never told how many they produced and sold, but "we"/Ulf know that it was less than 1000 sold.

I hope not all games were identical, since:
- They have different opening books. Example:

   Yeno:  1.f2-f4? Ng8-f6 2.Ng1-f3 d7-d5
          1...     e7-e5? 2.f4xe5 d7-d6 3.e5xd6 Bf8xd6 4.Ng1-f3 g7-g5 5.g2-g3

   MM II: 1.f2-f4? Ng8-f6 2.Ng1-f3 d7-d5 3.e2-e3 Bc8-g4 4.h2-h3 Bg4xf3 5.Qd1xf3 Nb8-c6
                          2.e2-e3 d7-d5 3.Ng1-f3 Bc8-g4
                          2.b2-b3 g7-g6
- They run at different speed
- The MM II exist in at least 6 different versions. Not all with same evaluation.
- The MM II can use the HG240 for more varied games, with e.g. 20+ lines for f2-f4.
(When will we see a modified Yeno with L16/HG240 book?)

I'm sure that now the Yeno is emulated,
someone will play these programs and hopefully publish the result!

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Agep (15.07.2022), berger (15.07.2022), Bryan Whitby (15.07.2022), Mychess (16.09.2023)