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Alt 09.12.2021, 13:58
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AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Hi hap,
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Neuer romdump von Radon17: ИМ-01 urversion
I think there's something wrong with your latest changes in the im01 driver.
The new machine IM-01 behaves quite cracy - the keys Enter/Move/Takeback are repeating immediately if you press them a bit too long, so these keys are almost unusable.
For example: enter d2d4 and press Enter a bit longer, then it returns random results (sometimes g8f6, but sometimes also g1f3 or e2e4 which are white moves of course), or even starts thinking (i.e. it's out of the book), depending on how long you press (or click) Enter.
The same is true for Move or Takeback and it's the same for the IM-01T, too - you get a random behaviour depending on how long the key is pressed.

In your previous driver everything was working fine for the IM-01T, and I guess that your changes in the address map (combining both machines) are the reason for these new problems.

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