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Neuer Schachcomputer ChessUp
auf Kickstarter gibt es bald einen neuen Schachcomputer ChessUp. Es ist wohl eher auf das Lernen von Schach ausgerichtet. https://get.bryghtlabs.com/?fbclid=I...WJKZQlafo4UCAM Gruß Lars |
AW: Neuer Schachcomputer ChessUp
Danke für den Link. Gruss Kurt |
Re: Neuer Schachcomputer ChessUp
Hi Lars
There has been a few start up chess computer companies that fell by the wayside. Here is another one focusing on children. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/s...f-chess-game#/ |
AW: Re: Neuer Schachcomputer ChessUp
Kurt |
AW: Neuer Schachcomputer ChessUp
Hi Kurt
I suppose only time will tell if they decided to launch on Kickstarter. Here is another similar one that hit the dust. https://in2chess.com/ Regards Bryan |
AW: Re: Neuer Schachcomputer ChessUp
Re: Neuer Schachcomputer ChessUp
Hi Lars
The more I look at this project the more I like it. My eight year old grandson knows how to play chess in a mixed up way and something like this would make a great learning tool. The only problem I have is the price. I don't feel like paying over £100 just for a learning tool for my grandson who only plays occasionally with me. If on the other hand the AI opponent is of a good standard that I could also use then maybe then I would consider buying it. Regards Bryan |
AW: Re: Neuer Schachcomputer ChessUp
Hi Bryan,
Regards Lars |
AW: Neuer Schachcomputer ChessUp
Did you recognise the weight of it? (5kg) :D And where do I find any information regarding the sales price?
Re: Neuer Schachcomputer ChessUp
If you register your interest you will then be taken to the options and prices.
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